Putting On A Show For Himiko (3)

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      "Ooookay, Ten and Six, you're up next!" Kokichi announced. Ten and Six, the clown with the sandy-brown, spiky hair, stood up and took their places in the center of the room. Six brought out a large box full of props. "Their specialty is slapstick comedy," Kokichi whispered to Himiko. 

   "I...don't know exactly what that is," Himiko replied, scratching her head.

   "You'll see in a bit," Kokichi said. He turned to Six and Ten. "Okay, you two, g'head!"

   "Haha, make sure you smack Six really hard, Ten!" Four called out. Six turned and glared at Four.

  "How about I go over there and smack *you,* you little-" Six began.

   "Hey, hey!" Kokichi interrupted, snapping his fingers at them. "Four, don't interrupt! Six, proceed!" Ten and Six began their act. Ten pulled out a newspaper and began to read it. Six tapped on his shoulder and gestured over to the newspaper, silently asking to read it. Ten handed Six the newspaper. Six gave him a smirk and started ripping it. Ten put his hands on his hips right before giving Six a slap across the face. Himiko's mouth shot open as her hands flew to her mouth. Six thrust his finger at Ten's chest, causing him to look down. When Ten looked down, Six flicked his nose. Ten wiggled his nose and huffed at Six. Then, with one hand, he pointed to Six's right. Six turned to see what he was pointing at when Ten bopped him upside the head with his other hand. Himiko let out a chuckle. Six then reached into a box and pulled out a rubber chicken.

  "Heehee... I like that little guy," Four snickered to Two, gesturing towards the rubber chicken. Six then smacked Ten over the head with the rubber chicken. Ten then punched Six, knocking him backwards. Right as Six went down, however, Ten stepped on Six's shoes, bringing him back up, and being knocked down again by Ten. Six went up another time, but instead of being punched again by Ten, he brought out a hooked cane from the box and bopped Ten over the head with it, knocking Ten down to the floor. Ten stood up and snatched the cane from Six. Grabbing Six by the shoulder, Ten spun him around 180 degrees, and started smacking Six's but with the cane. Six's pretend gestures of pain made Himiko laugh out loud. Himiko's laughter turned to gasps of horror, suddenly, when Six brought out a large, sharp ax from the box, and held it high over his head. The ax's blade glinted in the spotlight, and Six was about to swing it at Ten!

    "STOOOOOOP!!!" Himiko roared, jumping up from her seat. Ten and Six, as well as the other clowns, looked at her in shock. "WERE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO SWING THAT AT HIM?!" Himiko yelled at Six in fear and anger. Six sheepishly lowered his ax.

   "Um...no?" he replied in a small voice. "I mean...yes, but-"

   "Give that to me, right now!" Himiko ordered, holding out her hand. Six timidly handed the ax over to Himiko, who snatched it from him.

   "You oughta be ashamed of yourse-wait...nyeh?" Himiko studied the ax and moved her hand across the handle and the blade. "Oh...it's...plastic," she mumbled abashedly as she felt her face turning red. She looked up at Six, who was equally red, but with shinier eyes. "I am so...so sorry!" Himiko said, handing the ax back to him. 

   "Haha, nah, nah, s'cool," Six replied, laughing in order to hide the tears that he was so desperately trying to keep in. "I just, uh...should have used my other...um...I'll be back. Maybe I should go get it."

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