Magic School (6)

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     Tenko was in her room, grumbling angrily as she texted away on her phone. "Puh...wait 'til Himiko hears this!" she muttered to herself. Suddenly, Angie walked in. 

    "What are you doing, Tenko?" she asked chipperly. 

   " Himiko...about what that....DEGENERATE...said about her!" Tenko replied, getting angrier by the second.

    "Is that your first text to her regarding Kokichi's behavior?" Angie asked, cocking her head to the side.

    "What do you mean?" Tenko asked, pausing for a few seconds to look at Angie before going back to texting.

    "What I mean is...she doesn't know what Kokichi said about her, yet, does she?" Angie asked, still smiling.

   "Well, no! I'm actually going to tell her about it, right now!" Tenko replied with frustration.

   "Excellent!" Angie replied, inching closer to Tenko.

   "Yeah, I know it is, cuz Himiko should know the truth about her horrible so-called 'boyfriend!'" Tenko spat, putting extra emphasis on the word "boyfriend" to express her disgust towards Kokichi. 

   "Noooo...I mean, it's excellent that she doesn't know about it," Angie replied, putting her hand over Tenko's to stop her from texting. Tenko looked up at Angie with a confused look.

    "Why is that a good thing?!" Tenko asked incredulously. 

   "Just leave it alone, Tenko," Angie said with a smile on her face. Angie's voice was soft and kind, but it felt threatening as if she were giving Tenko a friendly warning.

   "B-But, I can't just let Kokichi get away with what he said!" Tenko sputtered. 

   "Stay out of this, Tenko," Angie insisted. "Let them deal with it on their own."

    "How can they deal with it on their own if they aren't even around each other to do that?!" Tenko asked, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. "Not only that, Himiko doesn't even know about that treacherous snake's real feelings about her!"

     "If you get involved, you will only mess things up for Himiko," Angie replied mysteriously. "Do you want that for her?"

    "N-No," Tenko replied, hanging her head in thought. 

   "Then, leave it alone," Angie answered. Tenko looked up at her in annoyance.

   "Don't tell me you're saying all this just cuz of Atua!" she said. Angie's smile became wider.

   "That's exactly why I'm saying it," she replied. Tenko rolled her eyes and groaned. "Trust Atua, Tenko," Angie warned. "If you don't, you'll only be hurting Himiko and Kokichi...and possibly yourself." 

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" Tenko huffed, erasing the text message that she had been typing. "There! Happy?" She then took a pillow and hugged it tightly as she pouted. Angie held out her hand to Tenko, smiling. "What? You want a high-five, or something?"

   "Nooo...give me your phone, so I can ensure that you don't send any messages to Himiko," Angie responded. Tenko's mouth hung agape. 

   "You can't just...take my phone away!" Tenko said, clinging tightly to her phone. Angie leaned in closer to Tenko's face. 

   "NOW!" Angie demanded in a cheerful, yet menacing, voice. Angie's tone was so forceful that it sent shivers down Tenko's spine and forced her to hand over her phone. "Thank you, Tenko," Angie said, still smiling as she walked away.


    After a 15 hr. long flight, Himiko arrived in London, England. She felt sleepier than usual, and it didn't help that it was nighttime. Even though she was anxious to get to Miss Pokie's Magic Academy for Gifted Girls, she had to stop and find a hotel somewhere. Not knowing where a nearby hotel was, she made the quick decision to teleport herself to one. After gathering her luggage from the conveyor belt, she ran to one of the bathrooms in the airport, and hid inside a stall. She imagined herself outside the nearest hotel from her location, wherever that was, and took a deep breath. She pulled the brim down tighter over her head, causing her hat to "awaken;" it pulled itself down over Himiko, engulfing her body inside it, then it shrunk back to its normal size before doing a small flip and poofing out of sight. The hat then appeared outside the entrance of a hotel, then floated upward, revealing Himiko inch-by-inch until the hat was back on her head. Himiko thought it was foolish to perform her real magic like that, especially if others had witnessed it, but fortunately, nobody had seen her. She sighed in relief and entered the hotel. She paid for a room at the front desk and went to find it on the second floor. 

    "Nyeh...finally!" she said, plopping herself onto her bed. She wanted to let her friends back home that she had arrived, but jetlag caused her to fall asleep immediately. She woke up with a start to find broad daylight peering in through her window. She began to panic as she wondered where she was and what day it was. When she checked her phone, she breathed in relief. She remembered that she was in London, and school at the Magic Academy didn't start for another couple of days. She wanted to go there at that moment, but decided that she should take a break, instead. She decided to go downstairs for a breakfast of sausage, bacon, and pancakes with a cup of orange juice. When she finished and went back to her room, she decided to call Kokichi to let him know that she was in London. 

   "Hm...that's weird," she muttered to herself. "Why isn't he answering?" She began to worry, but then remembered that he was probably in school at this time, since they were about 8 hours apart. "Well, I'll tell him later, I guess," she said to herself. "Nyeh...what should be my next move? Hm...what would Kokichi do? Would he go out and tour London, or plan his next move? Knowing him, he'd be touring London right now, since he would have planned all of his moves a long time ago, but since I didn't plan anything, I guess that's what I'll do right now." She smiled with satisfaction to herself, proud that she was thinking like Kokichi. Then she sighed sadly. She began to miss him so much that it hurt. To clear her head of her sad thoughts, she turned her attention to her luggage to pull her laptop out. She planned to stay a few hours in London, and leave in the afternoon, since the Magic Academy was a few hours away. 

    "Miss I come," Himiko said to herself, taking a deep breath and smiling confidently. She didn't feel as confident as she looked, but the more she thought of Kokichi, the more her confidence began to grow.


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