Kokichi and Himiko's "Switchuation" (2)

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    It was the next day and everyone was waking up to go to school. Himiko's plan to pretend to be Kokichi, and vice versa, had excited the both of them so much that they couldn't sleep. But morning had come which meant that it was prank time! In Himiko and Tenko's room, Tenko yawned and climbed out of bed. She went over to Himiko to shake her awake.

   "Himiko, wake up," Tenko whispered, gently shaking Himiko. "Himiko, it's time for school." Himiko swatted Tenko's hand away.

   "Not now, Gonta," Himiko muttered, trying to act like Kokichi. In order to pretend to be Kokichi, she had to act like she was sharing the room with Gonta. 

   "Huh?" Tenko said in surprise, then laughed. "Himiko, you're probably dreaming! I'm Tenko, not Gonta!" Himiko looked up at her grumpily, but her expression turned into shock and horror.

   "Tenko?? What are you doing in my room?!" Himiko asked. "Wait...this isn't my room!" She looked around the room. Then she looked at her hands. "These aren't even my hands!" She put her hands to her head. "My hair...this hair is....RED?!" She got out of bed and rushed to the mirror next to the bedroom door and looked at it with shock. "I'm...HIMIKO?!?!"

   "Um...Himiko...what's going on?" Tenko asked, staring at Himiko in concern. Himiko turned back to Tenko. 

   "I'm not Himiko, Tenko!" Himiko yelled at her. "It's me, Kokichi!!!" 

   "WHAT?!?!" Tenko exclaimed. "Wait, wait, wait...how is that...possible?" 

   "I don't know!" Himiko began pacing back and forth. "She's YOUR best friend! YOU tell ME!" 

  "Waaaiiiiit..." Tenko said with suspicion. "How do I know that this isn't a prank...HIMIKO?" Tenko thrust her hands on her hips in triumph. "You can't fool me, Himiko!" 

   "Nee-heehee...woooow, Tenko, you can't even trust your best friend," Himiko asked, putting her hands behind her head just like Kokichi would do. "Maybe that's how you can tell it's really me and not Himiko. Also, if I were Himiko, would I do thiiiiissss?" Himiko held up her hands and rubbed them all over her own chest. "Oh...yeeeaaahhhh, these feel soooo goooood," Himiko said in a low, seductive voice that she'd hoped matched Kokichi's. Tenko gasped in horror.

   "YOU DON'T DO THAT TO HER!!!!" Tenko screamed and grabbed Himiko's arms, pulling them away from her chest. "You're so lucky you're in Himiko's body, otherwise, I would have thrown you out the window!!!" 

  "Nee-heehee...do you finally believe me?" Himiko asked, giving Tenko her best impish grin. 

  "C'mon!" Tenko said, grabbing Himiko's arm and pulling her out of the room.

  "Where are we going?" Himiko asked. "Are you trying to get me somewhere aloooone, Tenko?"

  "No, you degenerate!" Tenko responded. "If you're trapped in poor Himiko's body, then she must be trapped in YOUR sad excuse of a body!"

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