Kokichi and Himiko Pamper Kirumi (End)

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     When Kirumi finished her breakfast, she hesitantly made her way to the girls' bathroom. When she stepped through the door, she was instantly greeted with the smell of lavender. The tub was filled to the brim with an endless sea of bubbles. There was a black two-piece swimsuit and a note on the sink from Himiko saying "Meet us in the front yard outside when you're done. Also, wear this swimsuit before you leave the bathroom. Love, Himiko." Though Kirumi hated taking days off, she also didn't like the idea of disappointing her friend who had gone through so much trouble to do this for her. Kirumi sighed as she removed her pajamas and dipped herself into the hot, lavender-scented bathtub. She just sat there, not knowing what to do. Thirty minutes after just staring at the wall in front of her, Kirumi decided to leave the tub. She put on the swimsuit that Himiko told her to wear, and headed awkwardly downstairs to the front door. Himiko's sleeping potion must have worn off by this point, because the others were finally awake and out of bed. Some of them stared at Kirumi in surprise, causing Kirumi to turn bright red.

   "Um...nice bathing suit, Kirumi," Kaede said with an awkward smile. Kirumi rubbed her arm uncomfortably. 

   "It was, um...it was Himiko's idea," she answered. "Apparently, she and Kokichi have plans for me to take it easy today."

   "I say that's a great idea!" Kaito said, giving Kirumi a thumbs-up. "You need some time off for once, Kirumi!"

   "But...I do not WANT time off," Kirumi insisted. "I appreciate what Himiko is trying to do, but, I do not feel right shirking my duties."

   "Don't think of it as shirking your duties," Ryoma chimed in. "Think of it as a reward for all the hard work you do around here. Besides, one day off won't make a difference. You got this." Kirumi still looked uncertain, but she gave in.

   "Okay, if you insist, I'll allow myself to be pampered by Himiko for a few hours," she finally said. "Then, after that, I will resume my usual duties." The others looked at each other in concern as Kirumi headed out the door and into the front yard where she saw Himiko and Kokichi standing next to a beach chair. Above the beach chair stood a tall umbrella to block out the sun, and next to the chair was a table full of massaging oils. Kirumi groaned inwardly as she walked up to Kokichi and Himiko. Kokichi elegantly gestured for Kirumi to sit down on the beach chair. When she did, she looked at Himiko to lay down the law.

   "Though I do appreciate you wanting to spoil me today, Himiko, I must tell you that I will only allow you a few hours to do so. After that, I wish to continue my usual weekend routine," she said. Himiko looked a little disappointed, and looked to Kokichi for some backup. He smiled and nodded at her as if what Kirumi said was okay. 

   "Okay," Himiko sighed. She flattened the beach chair. "Here, lie on your stomach." Kirumi turned around in her chair. Himiko rubbed some massaging oils on her hand and began to massage Kirumi's shoulders as best as she could. Kokichi looked at Himiko awkwardly rubbing Kirumi's shoulders, trying not to laugh. "Nyeh...is this making you feel more relaxed, Kirumi?" Himiko asked.

   "No...not really," Kirumi replied. "As a matter of fact, it feels weird."

   "Nee-heehee...here, let me do it, Himiko," Kokichi offered. He poured some of the oils in his hands and reached for Kirumi's shoulders. Kirumi's eyes widened with a hint of fear.

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