The Monster of Casa V3 (8)

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     "Oh, no..." Himiko said in a horrified whisper.

    "Your little friend isn't the only unfortunate one," Gundham said in a grim voice. "Take a closer look." He gestured to Osiris's belly where the four gashes were. Kokichi and Himiko leaned closer to see three, tiny bodies inside Osiris's belly. Himiko sank to the ground in despair.

   "Osiris was really...a girl?!" she breathed. "And she was going to have kittens?!"

   "You were not aware?" Gundham asked. 

   "No..." Himiko replied quietly, still looking at Osiris's body. "I just assumed he, er, I mean...she was male...for some reason." Himiko's lip began to quiver. 

   "Maybe that's why she refused food whenever Himiko offered it?" Kokichi asked quietly. "Maybe because she was pregnant?"

   "It's a possibility," Gundham replied, shrugging his shoulders. 

   "Well, that's not the issue right now, anyways," Kokichi said solemnly. "Osiris is gone...and we should give her a proper burial." 

   "Agreed," Gundham said. Together, the three Ultimates dug a grave for Osiris and her unborn kittens. Gundham gently placed Osiris into a small, cat-sized coffin, and lowered the coffin into the ground with great care. "Would you like to say a few words, Himiko?" he asked her. Himiko opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't find the words to say anything, so she just merely shook her head. "I understand," Gundham said, nodding at her. "Kokichi?" Kokichi sighed and nodded his head.

  "Yeah," he said. He held Himiko's hand and began to speak. "Osiris, you were a good kitty, and I'm sure you would have been a great mom to your kittens. It was cute when you would drink water from Himiko's hand using your little tongue, and we enjoyed when you would purr and cuddle with us. I hope you and your kittens are having fun wherever you are now. But we just want you to know that you'll be missed." Kokichi looked at Himiko, trying to encourage her to say something, but she remained silent with a vacant stare. Gundham decided to speak, as well.

   "Osiris, though I did not know you, you seemed like a wonderful cat," he said. "I would have liked you to join my army of critters, but alas, your time here on this Earth has come to an end. And now it is time for you to enjoy eternal happiness. Rest in peace, little friend." Gundham began to fill up Osiris's grave with dirt. Gundham used a tall branch as a gravestone, removed his scarf, and tied it around the branch. Then, he stood up to face Kokichi and Himiko. "Unfortunately, that creature, whatever it is, is still at large, and the reason for Osiris's death."

  "Yeah..." Kokichi sighed. "Um...Himiko and I are still doing an investigation."

  "Please...allow me to assist you," Gundham said. Kokichi looked surprised. "Let me explain, it was bad enough when that monster was taking my chickens, but after seeing the death of your feline friend, and her unborn kittens, I cannot remain idle. I must help!"

   "You don't need to do that," Kokichi said, his face serious. 

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