Kokichi and Himiko Pamper Kirumi (1)

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      It was a beautiful sunny morning, perfect weather for treating Kirumi to the perfect day! Himiko had forced herself to wake up earlier than the rest of her classmates. She knocked on the door to Kokichi and Gonta's bedroom. When nobody answered, she silently opened the door to peek in. Himiko smiled at Gonta sleeping peacefully with his stuffed praying mantis that he named Mr. Pinky. She thought it was adorable that someone as big and scary-looking as Gonta could sleep with a stuffed animal. She looked over at Kokichi who was lying on his knees with his butt in the air and drool pooling from his mouth. Both his arms were sprawled at his sides, as if he were doing the ninja run. Himiko giggled silently to herself and went over to him, nudging him gently to wake up. 

   "Kokichi..." she whispered. "Kokichi...it's time to wake up." Kokichi moaned sleepily, wiping his face and smacking his lips.

   "I want...large order...French fries," he mumbled in his sleep. Himiko put her hands on her chest and gave him a warm smile. She thought Kokichi dreaming was the cutest thing about him. Sometimes, when he was napping on the living room couch, Himiko would catch him mumbling in his sleep. There were even times when she caught it on video. She tried waking him up again. 

   "Kokichi...wake uuuup, sleepyhead," she sang softly as she nudged him a bit more firmly this time. Kokichi's eyes fluttered open, and he shot up.

   "Oh, what, what is it? What's going on?" he asked groggily, using his sleeve to wipe the drool from his mouth.   

   "It's time to get up," Himiko whispered. "We have to spoil Kirumi today!" Kokichi moaned sleepily.

   "Do we have to do that today?" he whined, shoving his head back into his pillow. "Why can't we wait until tomorrow, or next year?" 

   "Because if we do it TODAY, we won't HAVE to do it later," Himiko said, putting her hands on her hips. "So, hop to it, Mr. Man!"

    "Ooookaaaayyyy..." Kokichi groaned. He sighed heavily as he got off his bed and trudged to the boys' bathroom. Minutes later, both Himiko and Kokichi were ready for the day. Himiko decided to dress up in a maid's outfit while Kokichi dressed up as a butler. "Okay, so what are we gonna do first?" Kokichi pouted, rubbing his eye and yawning. 

   "Awww, did my man not get enough sweep?" Himiko asked as she ruffled Kokichi's hair. Kokichi leaned his head on Himiko's shoulder, chuckling sleepily.

   "No," he replied. "I only got two hours of sweep."

   "Nyeh...my poor, sweepy man," Himiko cooed as she hugged Kokichi and patted his back. "It's okay. If you want, I can use some of my magic sleeping powder on you when we're done to make sure you get extra sleep."

   "Trust me, I won't need it, Stinky Butt," he replied, lifting his head up to kiss her cheek. "But, thank you, though." Himiko smiled at him and nodded. Then, she led him to the kitchen.

   "Okay, so we're going to make Kirumi some breakfast," Himiko announced. 

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