A DanganFairy Tale: Himipunzel (End)

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    "So, the healing powers were in her tears this whole time!" Tenkodil explained to Kaitonius and Makiana. 

   "I see! That's pretty cool!" Kaitonius said. 

   "Yes, that's fine and all, but what about your bargain from earlier?" Makiana asked. 

   "I still plan on staying to help the villagers, so long as Kichi and Tenkodil remain free," Himipunzel insisted.

   "And you won't try to run away again?" Makiana asked. Himipunzel and Kichi gave Tenkodil a stern look. Tenkodil turned red and looked down bashfully at her feet.

   "I promise I won't do that again," she responded. 

   "Good!" Kaitonius said. "Now that that's settled, we can-"

   "Wait!" Himipunzel intrerupted. 

   "What now?" Makiana asked. 

   "I actually have one more thing to ask," Himipunzel said, looking at Kichi. 

   "Go ahead!" Kaitonius encouraged. 

   "I was wondering if you could give Kichi and his friends some money to buy a nice home to live in. Please?" Himipunzel asked. "That way, he wouldn't have to resort to stealing from you guys."

  "Well, as much as you annoy me, I'll be happy to grant you the money, if it keeps you from stealing our stuff," Kaitonius said to Kichi.

   "Nee-heehee...you have my word!" Kichi replied.

   "I don't trust you," Makiana said.

    "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him," Himipunzel promised, giving Kichi a stern look.

    "You two goin' out, or somethin?'" Kaitonius asked them, noticing that they were holding hands. 

   "What's it to you, nosy?" Kichi smirked.

   "Tch...whatever!" Kaitonius scoffed. "Kichi, I'll give you the money, and Himipunzel, you are to work in the village healing the sick. Are we clear?" Himipunzel and Kichi nodded their heads in agreement. Soon, Kichi and his friends were living in the village in a large and beautiful home in which Himipunzel was always welcome. 

   "Hey, Punz!" Kichi said one day when Himipunzel knocked on the door to Kichi's house. "Ready for work?" he asked her as he held her hand in his. They gave each other a kiss.

   "Nyeh...I'm always ready for work when it's with you," she responded.

   "Eww...so corny," Kichi laughed. Himipunzel pretended to be offended.

   "Kichi! Don't make me give you an...'earful,'" she joked.

   "Aw...SHUCKS. Wouldn't want that," Kichi joked back, laughing. They both laughed on the way to the castle, hand-in-hand, to perform for the king and queen as court jesters.


     "So...what did you think?" Himiko asked as Kokichi finished reading her story.

    "WAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, POOR KICHI!!! HE DIED!!!" Kokichi said with a feign sob. 

   "But, he came back to life," Himiko pointed out.

   "Yeah, you're right," Kokichi replied. "Hey, what happened to Sir Quacks-A-Lot? He wasn't even in that last part."

   "Ohhh..." Himiko said in a low voice as she sifted through her last few pages. "Um...well, he went back to the woods, I guess. Don't worry. He lived happily ever after, too."

   "Well, that's fine," Kokichi replied.

   "Was he your favorite character?" Himiko asked.

   "Nah, I liked Kichi. That guy was sooo cool!" Kokichi said. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes.

   "Gee, I wonder why," she said. 

    "Got any more stories?" Kokichi asked.

   "Not right now," Himiko said. "But I do have a few in mind that I'd like to write."

   "Well, hurry up and write them so I won't be bored!" Kokichi said. 

   "Nyeh...you can't rush art," Himiko said to him. 

   "I'm not rushing art, I'm rushing YOU!" Kokichi joked. Himiko booped his nose.

   "Rush that!" she said to him. 

   "How about I rush this?" Kokichi grabbed Himiko and began to tickle her. Himiko laughed out loud. 

   "GAHHH! KOKICHI!! STOPPIT!!" she laughed. After a while, he stopped tickling her, then took her face into his hands and kissed her.

  "Welp, I'm hungry. Let's go downstairs and eat. OOO! Let's also talk about some of your ideas for your next story!" Kokichi bounced excitedly up and down as Himiko followed him out her room, shaking her head in amusement at him as he happily babbled on. 

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