Kazuichi Gets Scooped (6)

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     Kazuichi nervously knocked on the door of Casa V3. He had no idea how he was going to be able to get into Maki's room, let alone steal the knife that supposedly belonged to Kokichi's organization. A feeling of hopelessness came over him, and he was about to turn around and give up, until he heard the door open. He looked to see who it was, and felt like maybe things would work out after all.

   "Oh! Hello, Kazuichi!" Gonta said with a friendly smile. "You need help with something?" Kazuichi didn't know Gonta too well, but he knew that Gonta was extremely naive, which Kazuichi hoped would work in his favor.

    "I was just wondering...are you home alone, Gonta?" Kazuichi asked.

   "No, no, other friends of Gonta here, too," Gonta replied. "But some of other Gonta's friends gone."

   "Oh? Um...which ones are gone?" Kazuichi asked. 

   "Hmm...let's see," Gonta mumbled to himself. "Kaede, Angie, Rantaro, Tenko, Miu, Kokichi, Himiko, Maki, and...oh, yeah, Kirumi!" Kazuichi felt his stomach flop with excitement. All he needed to hear was that Maki was gone.

   "Okay, thanks, Gonta!" he said.

   "That all you needed?" Gonta asked in confusion.

   "Oh! No, no, um...I meant to tell you that, um...we're out of toilet paper," Kazuichi said. "Do you think you could help us out?"

   "Oh, sure!" Gonta replied happily. "Gonta happy to help! Stay there! Gonta be right back!" Gonta rushed away from the door, leaving Kazuichi all alone. 

   "Haha, wow, I can't believe how easy that was!" he exclaimed as he snuck inside the house and ran upstairs. He figured that since the girls' rooms in 7th Island House were upstairs that the same was for the girls' rooms in Casa V3. He started from the room on the far left, which was Angie and Tsumugi's room. One by one, he walked past the rooms: Himiko and Tenko's, Kaede and Miu's, until he finally came to Maki and Kirumi's room. "Bingo!" Kazuichi whispered excitedly. Just as he did in Fuyuhiko's room, Kazuichi sifted through Maki's side of the room, searching for a knife that he didn't even know what it looked like; he just felt like he'd know it when he saw it. Unfortunately for him, nothing came up. "Where in the world is it?!" he muttered to himself, holding his head in frustration. He did, however, see something that piqued his interest: Maki's diary. It was sitting on her nightstand, and he opened it and began to read it. His mouth dropped open wider as he turned each page. One page made his eyes bug out to the point where they nearly fell out of his head. "What?!" he whisper-shouted. "Maki had a crush on *Kokichi* a few months ago?!?!" 

    "What are you doing in here?" came a menacing voice from behind him. He turned immediately to find Maki glaring intensely at him. She noticed that he was reading her diary. "You...You're reading my diary?!"

   "Uhh...n-no!" Kazuichi said, placing it back on Maki's nighstand. "I was just, um..."

   "Do you wanna die?" Maki growled. Before Kazuichi could answer, Maki swiftly ran at him, and everything became a blur for Kazuichi. He could feel Maki punching and kicking him. What was the most shocking thing for him, however, was that he suddenly found himself sailing through the air. He realized that he was no longer in Maki's room once he hit the ground of Casa V3's backyard. He stood up, his body aching all over, and looked up to find Maki glaring daggers at him from her bedroom window; she had kicked him out of her window, and it looked like she wanted to kick him some more. 

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