That Time When Himiko Built A Kokichi Shrine In Her Closet (3)

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   "Okay, this should be enough stuff," Himiko said as she, Angie, and Kaede left the aisle that contained glitter and other sparkly stuff. The girls had collected some checkered wallpaper, deep purple paint, some cutout letters that would spell out Kokichi's full name, tape, glue, and glitter.  

  "Good," Kaede said. "We have to hurry up and get this stuff home without anyone else seeing this stuff!" They purchased the items and rushed back to Casa V3. Kaede snuck a glance at her watch. "Oh, gosh! It's 9:30! Everyone should definitely be up by now!" 

   "Nyeh...what are we going to say if anyone asks where we've been?" Himiko asked nervously. "What asks, and we lie, and he picks it up, and-"

  "Do not worry, Kaede and Himiko!" Angie chirped. "I will take care of it!" They walked inside where it seemed quiet. But Kaito peeked from the dining room and walked up to them. 

   "There you guys are!" he said. "Where have you guys been? Tsumugi's been taking a bunch of pictures of everyone with Mahiru's camera and she's been wondering where you've been!" The girls looked at each other with secret smiles. Tsumugi had pretended not to know what was going on so as not to arouse suspicion from the others. They were glad that Miu had also been keeping quiet about it. 

  "Why is she taking pictures?" Kaede asked, playing dumb. 

  "I dunno, she said it's for a personal art project she's working on," Kaito said, waving his hand dismissively. "Something about a scrapbook, I guess." 

   "Okay, we'll be there in a sec," Kaede answered. 

  "Hold up! What's all that stuff you're carrying?" Kaito asked her.

  "Atua says that if you don't mind your own business, Kaito, He will send ghosts to haunt you," Angie warned.

  "Gh-Ghosts?!" Kaito exclaimed. "Gghh...wh-whatever! J-Just...hurry up, okay?" With that, Kaito walked uneasily back to the dining room. 

  "Good job, Angie," Kaede whispered. "You let Tsumugi know we're home while Himiko and I check up on Tenko and Miu." Because Miu wanted to build the podium in her room, Tenko's job was to hang the purple Christmas lights up in Himiko's closet. She wasn't going to do that, however, until they all were finished painting Himiko's closet. 

  "Okie-dokie! Bye-onara!" Angie replied cheerfully and went off to get Tsumugi. Kaede and Himiko went upstairs quietly. Himiko took the bags full of the art supplies and went to her room while Kaede went to check up on Miu. 

  "Miu, how's the podium going?" Kaede asked.

 "Yeah, yeah, I got it, Cow Udders," Miu replied. "BEHOLD..." she gestured over to a three-layered, marble semi-circle podium with the checkered pattern that matched Kokichi's scarf. Kaede's eyes lit up.

  "Wow, Miu! That's awesome!" Kaede exclaimed. 

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