The Monster of Casa V3 (4)

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      Kokichi and Himiko investigated the backyard area, searching for any possible clues that the creature may have left behind. Kokichi had his phone out, in case he needed to take more pictures of any evidence they could find. They checked the gazebo, the grass and trees for any fur that might have gotten stuck to them, and other areas.

   "I don't know if that thing went this way," Kokichi muttered, observing the grass around the area of the gazebo. "I don't see any footprints, or anything, unless they faded away by now...although, I didn't think they'd fade away that fast."

   "Mmm...maybe it has wings and it flew away?" Himiko asked, standing right at Kokichi's side. Kokichi shrugged.

   "I guess it's a possibility," he said. "We only saw its silhouette, and its wings could have been closed up against its body."

   "Oh, I hope it doesn't have wings," Himiko said, twiddling her fingers nervously, and looking around her. "It'd be even scarier if it..." Kokichi, who had been observing the gazebo, looked up at Himiko, whose voice had suddenly trailed off.

   "Himiko?" he asked. "What is it?" With both hands, Himiko frantically grabbed Kokichi's arm and stood closer to him.

   "Kokichi," she breathed, and pointed at the back wall of the house. "Look!" Kokichi turned around to see what Himiko had been pointing at. On the wall, next to the drainpipe, were large, red, faded paw prints that stopped at one of the bedroom windows, which had been opened. Kokichi squinted his eyes at the window.

   "Hmm...that looks like Kaede and Miu's room," he mumbled. Himiko's grip on Kokichi's arm became tighter.

   "Did it go in there?" she asked in a terrified whisper. "What if it went in there, and it's still around? What if Miu and Kaede are in trouble?"

   "I told you it's fine, Himiko," Kokichi said. "The thingy probably doesn't come out during the day, remember? We'll be fine." Himiko looked up at him and saw his calm demeanor. She began to calm down, as well.

   "Yeah...yeah, you're right," she said, and took a few deep breaths. 

   "You good?" Kokichi asked. Himiko nodded. Inside, Kokichi was freaking out as much as she was, but in order for Himiko to calm down, he needed to appear calm himself. He took his phone out and began taking multiple shots of the faded footprints. "There! That should be enough!"

  " you want me to make that disappear, too?" Himiko asked. Kokichi thought for a while.

   "," Kokichi replied. "Leave that there, for now. I don't think the others would notice that right away. It's not like they come out here often anyways."

   "Nyeh...okay," Himiko said.

   "Let's look around for other clues, m'kay?" Kokichi said. Himiko nodded at him. Hand-in-hand, the two moved from the backyard to the side of the house, observing the wall carefully. They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't expect the surprise visitor who had been watching them at that very moment.

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