That Time When Himiko Got A Makeover (End)

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       At school, many of the other students were surprised at Himiko's "transformation." Some students, who didn't usually speak to Himiko, even complimented her.

  "Wow, Himiko, lookin' good, girl!" Junko Enoshima exclaimed. It was a special compliment coming from her since she was the Ultimate Fashionista. 

  "Nyeh...thank you," Himiko replied, smiling. 

  "I didn't know you were into fashion," Junko continued. "Wanna hang out with me and my sister Mukuro after school? We could go to the mall, and I can make you way more popular than before!" Himiko hesitated. For one thing, she didn't want to look good just so it will boost her popularity. On the other hand, it wasn't often that she got accolades from Junko Enoshima, one of the most, if not THE most, popular girl at Hope's Peak Academy. 

  "Umm..." Himiko mumbled, hesitating.

  "Oh, you don't wanna?" Junko asked. "Well, I should have known someone like you wasn't ready for popularity. I guess you'll always be hidden in the shadows, being forgotten while everyone else is out in the sun shining brightly. What is it that you do again, anyways?" she asked haughtily. 

  "I'm the Ultimate Mag-umm...Magician," Himiko answered, feeling ashamed. She wanted to impress Junko, but she felt horrible lying about what, she thought, her true talent was.

  "Right," Junko said, unimpressed. "Well, that's a disappointment. And so boring. I would have put a better use to that so-called 'talent' than just giving myself a makeover. But what do I expect from someone like you?" Junko walked away haughtily with her nose stuck up in the air, leaving Himiko feeling conflicted. She wanted to stay true to herself, but she also thought that maybe being popular with Junko wouldn't be so bad. After all, it might cause other students, like Leon for instance, to respect her more. 

   "W-Wait! Junko!" Himiko rushed after Junko.

  "Yeeeessss?" Junko turned with a smug smile on her face.

   "Okay...I'll hang out with you after school," Himiko finally said. 

  "Awesome," Junko replied. "I'll text you the deets. Don't be late!" She sashayed away. Himiko felt uncertain if she made the right choice or not.

  "Seriously?! Junko wants to hang out with a worthless uggo like you?" came the voice of Hiyoko. "You think you're better than everyone else just cuz you got that stupid makeover? Or are you just too dumb to stand up for yourself?" Himiko glared at her.

  "Just shut up," she growled, and stomped off, her eyes wet and glossy. As the day went on, news spread throughout the school that Himiko was going to hang out with Junko after school. Some students looked longingly at Himiko while others glared, jealous that she got a chance to hang out with Junko. Himiko pulled down the brim of her hat as she walked down the hallways, trying to avoid eye contact with people. She arrived at her next class before the other students. She sat down at her desk and buried her head into her arms on her desk.

  "Hiya, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi called out in a cheery voice, lifting her hat from her head. 

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