Himiko Helps Kokichi Write A Scandalous Love Letter (End)

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   It was early evening, and Himiko went to knock on the door to Kaede's room. Kaede answered the door with a sad smile on her face. It looked like she was still heartbroken about what she thought Shuichi did to her.

  "Hey, Himiko," she said. "What's up?" Himiko reached out and took Kaede's hand.

  "Nyeh...follow me," she said. "There's something I have to tell you." She led Kaede to the backyard towards the gazebo where Shuichi was sitting. Himiko had asked him to meet her there before she told Kaede.  Kaede saw Shuichi and tried to pull away from Himiko. 

  "Um, Himiko, the thing is, Shuichi and I aren't talking," Kaede explained. Himiko grabbed her hand.

  "It's not Shuichi's fault," Himiko said. "And I'm going to tell you both why." She led Kaede to the gazebo and told her to sit down next to Shuichi. Without making eye contact with him, Kaede sat down next to Shuichi, causing an awkward silence to linger around.

  "What did you want to tell us, Himiko?" Shuichi asked, breaking the awkward silence.

  "It's about that love letter," Himiko said. "I know who was behind it." Shuichi and Kaede's eyes widened. Kaede looked at Shuichi with guilt on her face, realizing that she had misjudged him. 

  "Who was it?" Shuichi asked. "Was it really Kokichi the whole time?" Himiko took a deep breath.

  "He wrote the letter because I told him to," Himiko lied. Kaede and Shuichi's eyes bugged out in shock.

  "YOU told him to?!" Shuichi exclaimed. "Himiko, why would you do that? You caused Kaede and me to break up!" He paused and then a sudden realization came to him. "So, did you also tell Kokichi to plant my notes in Hiyoko's locker?" Himiko nodded. He looked at her with suspicion. "Himiko...I'm having a hard time believing that you would do that."

  "Well, it's true," she said. "I came up with the plan and asked Kokichi to help me." She felt sick lying again, but she didn't want Kokichi to fully take the blame. 

  "That just...doesn't sound right," Shuichi said with a raised brow. He believed that she was lying again, he just couldn't figure out why. Kaede began giggling. Shuichi looked at her in surprise. "What's so funny?" he asked. 

  "Nothing," Kaede replied, giving Himiko a sly grin. "If that's how it went, that's how it went." She turned to Shuichi. "Shuichi, I'm sorry I mistrusted you. I should have believed you. Do you forgive me?"

  "Of course, Kaede," Shuichi smiled at her. They hugged and then kissed. Himiko smiled and felt better that at least Shuichi and Kaede made up. 

  "And I'm sorry for doing that to you, Shuichi," Himiko apologized. "That's not a lie, I promise." Shuichi gave her a pained smile.

  "I forgive you, Himiko, but why would you do that in the first place?" he asked. "I didn't upset you, did I?" Himiko pondered her next move. She did tell herself earlier that afternoon that she would give Shuichi the truth (or at least part of it), so that's what she was going to do.

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