Putting On A Show For Himiko (1)

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    It was 12:30 a.m., and almost everyone in Casa V3 was asleep. Usually, it was easy for Himiko to fall asleep since she was always tired, but tonight, she found it hard to sleep. Just as she was starting to think about using her magical sleeping powder on herself, she got a text message on her phone. She smiled upon seeing Kokichi's message:

    KOKICHI: Hey, ugly, you awake?

    HIMIKO: Why do you wanna know, pit stink?

    KOKICHI: Wanna join us for fun, buttface? 

    HIMIKO: That depends on what kind of "fun" you're talking about, puke breath. 

   Himiko knew that whenever Kokichi texted her late at night asking to join "us" for fun, he was referring to his prankster organization D.I.C.E. She had met them months prior when she stumbled upon D.I.C.E. headquarters during a spat she and Kokichi were having at the time. Himiko was aware that Kokichi and his organization, along with playing harmless pranks on people, also committed small crimes like vandalism, shoplifting, and pickpocketing. She didn't condone Kokichi's criminal acts, but she also found that part about him interesting, often wondering what had caused him to go down that path in the first place. She also had to admit that his D.I.C.E. members were fun to be around, despite them being clowns, something that terrified her. 

  KOKICHI: Meet me outside in five minutes, and I'll tell you all about it, booger monster.

  HIMIKO: Whatever you say, scum bucket. 

   Himiko quietly climbed out of bed, so as not to wake Tenko. She tiptoed quietly out into the backyard of Casa V3 and sat at the gazebo to wait for Kokichi. As he promised, he arrived five minutes later. He smiled cheekily as he sat down next to her and kissed her nose. 

   "Sooo...what's this 'fun' that you're talking about?" Himiko asked. 

  "Well...we were planning to rob a liquor store tonight," Kokichi replied with a sly grin. Himiko's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. 

  "KOKICHI!!" she whispered ferociously. "I'm not going to help you rob a-"

   "Nee-heehee...that was a lie!" Kokichi replied, giving Himiko a smug grin. Himiko rolled her eyes and sighed with relief. 

   "Nyeh...don't do that," she said, giving him a playful nudge. "You scared me. Now, what did you really want to tell me? And, no, I'm not going to do any shoplifting of any kind, or anything crime-related!"

   "Awww, but that's the best paaart," Kokichi teased, playfully stroking Himiko's chin. He leaned in closer to Himiko with a flirtatious gleam in his eye. "So, you're saying that you don't wanna join my organization and cause chaos by my side?" 

  "That's exactly right," Himiko replied, crossing her arms at him. Kokichi chuckled smugly as he wrapped a strand of Himiko's hair around his finger and began to twirl it.

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