That Time When Kokichi Read A Book With Himiko

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    "My beautiful, little vixen. Come, run away with me and together, we'll light this world on fire and watch it burn," the thief said to his lover.

    Himiko was sitting under the gazebo in the backyard of Casa V3, totally immersed in the book she was reading. She sighed longingly as she wished Kokichi would whisk her away and rule the world together with her. To Himiko, it sounded like a pain to rule the world...waaay too much work. But as long as Kokichi was there by her side, she wouldn't mind taking over the world with him...well, depending on what "taking over the world" meant in Kokichi's mind. She looked up at the sky with stars in her eyes, imagining what it would be like to travel the world with him. He'd hold her hand in his own and show her the world. She imagined having a fancy dinner with him in Paris, or taking a romantic gondola ride in Venice, or even going on adventures like exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu or an African safari. 

    "Um...the book is down here, not up in the sky" a voice next to Himiko said. Himiko snapped back into reality to find Kokichi suddenly sitting right next to her, tapping on her book. 

    "G'AAHHHH!!" Himiko squealed. She pulled her hat down over her face in shame as Kokichi giggled.

    "Nee-heehee, guess I gotcha good, huh, HimiCocoa Bean?" Kokichi said, using his special nickname for her.

   "Ugh...shut up, Kokichi," Himiko mumbled. She was a bit annoyed that Kokichi had interrupted her thoughts about them doing romantic-y things, but at the same time, she was happy that he was there, though she wouldn't admit THAT part to him, of course. 

   "Soooo, whatcha readin,' Himiko?" Kokichi asked as he scanned the pages of her book. "It looks like a romance novel. Are you into romance novels, Himiko?" 

   "Nyeh, it's a new book that Toko wrote," Himiko explained. "I...was just curious to see what her romance novels were like, and so she gave me a copy of her latest one."

    "Oh?" Kokichi became curious as well, resting his head on the back of his hand. "What's it about? Is it any good?"

   "Well, it's about this girl who's shy, introverted, and a hopeless romantic, but she meets a thief who's wild and crazy, and they fall in love," Himiko explained. "But their love is forbidden because, well...he's a wanted thief."

   "Hmm...a girl who's shy, introverted, and a hopeless romantic," Kokichi thought out loud. "She meets a fun-loving wanted criminal and they fall in love. Welp, Toko definitely has taste! That girl sounds like my type of girl!"

   "That's a lie, isn't it?" Himiko asked him with suspicion. 

   "Maaaybe it is, maaaybe it isn't," Kokichi replied with a sly grin. 

   "Nyeh...I forgot to ask, what are you doing here, anyways?" Himiko asked. She didn't want to be TOO inviting to him, or he might think she wanted him to stay. "I thought you didn't like reading."

   "I think you already know what I'm doing here," Kokichi smiled knowingly, and stared her straight in her eyes, causing Himiko to freeze up. Her hands were starting to fidget on her book. She was willing herself so hard not to blush in front of him. "I'm here because I was bored and nobody wanted to be around me, today," he pouted. Himiko loosened up a bit and silently let out a breath she had been holding in. "So, I wanted to see what my little magic-y girl friend was up to!"

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