A Dangan Fairy Tale: Himipunzel (3)

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     "Oh, your name is 'Kichi-Kay?'" Himipiunzel asked curiously. 

   "No, no, no! Kichi! Just Kichi," the jester answered with a small frown. Then, he smiled and danced goofily before proceeding to speak. "I'm 'Kichi, the Court Jester,' or 'Kichi, the Clown,' whichever one you prefer! Apparently, I may also be referred to as 'Kichi, the Cause Of My Coulrophobia' by other people, but...we'll talk about that, later! For now, though, just call me Kichi." 

   "Oh! Well, it's nice to meet you, Kichi! My name is Himipunzel! And thank you for offering to help find my sister!" Himipunzel beamed. 

   "Y'know...if you want so badly to find your sister, how come you've never gone to look for her yourself?" Kichi asked. Himipunzel's face fell. 

   "I can't leave the tower," she replied sadly. "I'm the only way anyone can get in or out." Kichi looked at her with confusion.

   "Is that why you've grown your hair so long?" Kichi asked. 

   "Well, no, my mommy says that my long hair makes me the most beautiful girl in all the land, so she never cut it," Himipunzel explained. 

  "Well, where is your mom?"

   "Tenkodil said that she and my papa were taken by ogres when we were little. She and I managed to escape and we came across this tower. She told me that we were able to get inside with the help of a giant," Himipunzel said. As he listened, Kichi gave her a skeptical look, but he decided to keep quiet for the moment. 

  "Hmm...I wanna make extra sure that there isn't another way out of here," he finally said, changing the subject. He began searching around the tower for any secret passageway, stairs, or hidden ladders, but, after 15 minutes of looking under furniture and trying to lift up any potentially secret stones, he found nothing. He rejoined Himipunzel in the main room.

  "Oki, then, hair stairs it is," he announced. Himipunzel looked at him nervously.

  "Well, good luck on your journey, then," she said as she carried her hair towards the window.

   "Whoa, whoa WHOA! Hold on there, missy!" Kichi said, blocking Himipunzel's path. "Whaddya mean good luck on MY journey? Aren't you coming, too?!"

   "I can't! I already told you, I can't leave this tower," Himipunzel huffed. "If I leave, we can't get back up here, and I don't know if that giant is still around!"

   "I don't know about the giant, but the ogres definitely aren't," Kichi muttered quietly. Himipunzel snapped to attention.

   "Nyeh...what do you mean?" she asked. Kichi opened his mouth to explain, but instead, he smiled sneakily to himself. 

   "Ohhh, nothing," he replied. 

   "You said something about ogres! I heard it," Himipunzel said.

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