That Time When Himiko Got A Makeover (2)

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    The next morning, the other girls got up early before Himiko, which was easy considering that Himiko was really lazy and not a morning person, anyways. 

   "Himiko...wake up," Tenko nudged her gently. "Himiko!" Himiko mumbled something in her sleep and then opened her eyes. There was drool coming out of her mouth and making a pool onto her pillow. She shielded her eyes from the blinding light to see that Tenko and the other girls were waiting for her to get up.

   "Nyeh...what time is it?" she asked groggily. 

  "Time to turn you into a hot, sexy babe," Miu said, snickering. "If that's even possible!" 

  "Get up! Get up!" Kaede said, pulling the covers off of Himiko. "We'll wait while you brush your teeth and stuff."

  "Yeah, just cuz you're Donkey Lips doesn't mean you should have donkey breath," Miu teased. Kaede flicked Miu on the forehead. "OW! That hurt!" she spat. 

  "Up you go, Himiko," Tsumugi said, grabbing Himiko's arm and pulling her out of bed.

  "Nyeh...okay, I'm up! I'm up!" Himiko said. She then trudged to the bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Moments later, she came back. "Okay, everyone out. I gotta get dressed."

  "Ah, ah, ah," Tsumugi said, wagging her finger. "First, we gotta do your makeup!" She held up a huge, shiny box.

  "Wha-? Why makeup first?" Himiko asked.

  "So the makeup doesn't get all over your new outfit," Tsumugi explained. She opened up the box to reveal a bunch of powders, lipstick, eyeshadow, etc.

  "Oooo, I wonder what colors would be best for Himiko," Angie said, looking through the different lipsticks. 

  "Well, since the only color besides black on her outfit is maroon, maybe we should apply red hues," Maki suggested. "She might look good with this dark red lipstick," she picked up a burgundy shade of lipstick. 

  "Oooo, yes! Yes!" Angie said. "I think that would great on her, Maki! And this eyeshadow would be great for her, too!" Angie picked up a small, round container with a light-red powder. The girls sifted through the makeup box until they were pleased with what they could find for Himiko. Then they got to work. Kaede and Angie did her makeup while others, like Tsumugi and Tenko, did her nails. Maki and Kirumi helped style Himiko's hair to make it all shiny and bouncy. When they were done, the girls stared at Himiko in amazement. 

  "Himiko, you look magnificently gorgeous!" Kirumi marveled. 

  "More like 'Maleficently' gorgeous," Miu corrected. "Didn't know Donkey Lips could pull it off! I guess miracles DO happen!" Himiko was about to look in the mirror, but Kaede covered it up with a blanket.

   "Wait! You should put your outfit on before you see yourself," Kaede suggested. Himiko nodded and the other girls left. Himiko carefully put her dress on to avoid messing up her makeup. She put her tights on and then her shoes. Then, she took a deep breath and opened the door. The girls gasped in delight.

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