The Not-Your-Talent Show! (2)

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    It was lunchtime, and Kokichi and Himiko were in the cafeteria eating and trying to think of what they were going to do for the Not-Your-Talent Show. 

   "So, you're actually going to sign up for the Not-Your-Talent Show, Himiko?" Kokichi asked. 

  "Nyeh...I dunno," Himiko replied. "I don't want to, but at the same time, what Headmaster Kirigiri said about being sad and pathetic for not having a side talent kinda makes me wanna join, just so I can reassure myself that there's something else I'm good at."

  "Nee-heehee...that guy cracks me up!" Kokichi laughed. "But don't worry about him. He's just an old, bitter, drunk because his daughter has beef with him. and I should be in the show together! Maybe we can sing a duet, or-"

  "YO!! MAGIC 8 BAALLLLL!!!" Kokichi was interrupted by Ibuki walking up to their table and sitting across from them. 

   "Magic 8 Ball?" Kokichi asked. "What do you mean by that, Ibuki?"

   "Oh! Haha, that's Ibuki's ship name for you guys!" Ibuki replied. "Because Himiko is magic-y, and Kokichi, you're like the actual magic 8 ball: mysterious and unpredictable! Wooo-oooooo! SPOOKY!!"

  "Hahahaha, I like that!" Kokichi said. He turned to Himiko. "Hear that, HimiCocoa Bean? We have a ship name!"

  "I guess that's kinda cool," Himiko smiled. 

  "Thankeeees!" Ibuki replied. "Oh! I came here for a reason, now what was it...OH, YEAH! Himiko, I need you right now!"

  "Nyeh? For what?" Himiko asked.

  "Something impoooortant," Ibuki whispered dramatically. "Now c'mon! Let's go, already!" Himiko looked at Kokichi for affirmation who gave her a nonchalant shrug.

  "Go ahead," he replied. "I'll be gucci here by myself. Matter of fact, I'm gonna go tell Teruteru that this cafeteria food is waaay better than his cooking so I can hear that funky accent when he starts yelling at me. That never gets old!" 

   "Don't be mean," Himiko said, wagging her finger at him. She stood up to join Ibuki.

   "No promises, mi enchilada picante!" Kokichi called after her. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes at him. 

   "So, where are we going, Ibuki?" Himiko asked. 

   "Hang oooon, hang oooon," Ibuki mumbled in thought, scanning the cafeteria. "A-HA! C'mon! Follow me!" She grabbed Himiko's hand and pulled her over to the table with Kaede, Shuichi, and Kaito. Kaito's shoulders were slumped, and he had an uncharacteristically sad face. "What's with the long face, Fly-A-Kaito?" Ibuki asked.

  "Maki Roll...she broke up with me," Kaito replied, struggling to keep tears from coming out of his eyes. Even though Himiko advised Maki a few nights ago to break up with him, she felt bad for him. She knew their relationship wasn't working out how they wanted, and that Maki felt like breaking up was the best thing for both of them for the time being, but seeing Kaito like this made her gut wrench. She opened her mouth to say something to Kaito, but Ibuki cut in.

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