Himiko's New Friend (5)

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      "Angie, where's Himiko?" Kokichi asked through the phone. "Why isn't she answering her phone?"

     "Well, she's upstairs in her room," Angie replied. "Um...she's not doing so well."

   "Awww, does she miss me?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Yes, yes, she does, but-" Angie began.

   "What's he saying, Angie?" Tsumugi whispered. 

   "Oh, he's wondering if Himiko misses him," Angie responded to Tsumugi.

   "What?" Kokichi asked.

    "Oh, I was just talking to Tsumugi! Nyahahaha!" Angie replied cheerfully. "She wanted to know what you were saying."

   "Angie, put Kokichi on speakerphone," Kaito said. Angie nodded and clicked the speakerphone button.

  "Kokichi, you are now on speakerphone," Angie informed him.

   "Heeeeyyy, everyoooone!" Kokichi said. Though the others were always annoyed by Kokichi, they couldn't help but feel a bit happy to hear his voice at the moment. 

   "Um...Kokichi, I never thought I'd say this, but, we need your help," Kaito said, rubbing the back of his neck.

   "Do you, now?" Kokichi asked, his curiosity piqued. The others could practically hear Kokichi smirking. 

   "Yeah, it's about Himiko," Kaede said. "She tells us that she keeps seeing this girl, but whenever she tries to show us, the girl never shows up."

   "Yes, and now, Himiko is upstairs suffering from a nervous breakdown, and we are unsure what to do about it," Keebo said. 

   "We were wondering if you could somehow help Himiko, since you are the closest one to her," Kirumi added.

   "Tenko, aren't YOU the one closest to her?" Kokichi asked. Tenko hung her head in guilt. 

   "Well...yes, but, um, the thing is...Himiko is obviously distressed, but I just don't know if...I don't know how..." Tenko struggled to find the right words.

   "You don't believe that whatever person Himiko claims to see is real, do you?" Kokichi asked with a smug tone in his voice. "I thought you always believed in Himiko, no matter what."

   "I know!! I know, okay?!" Tenko began to cry. "I know I'm her best friend, and I want to believe her, but...but...I've just never seen or heard the girl she's talking about before! I wanted to make her feel better, but she knows I don't believe her, and now she wants me to leave her alone! I know you're a lying degenerate, and all, but just please help Himiko, Kokichi!!" 

   "Alrighty, I'll see what I can do!" Kokichi replied cheerfully. "Angie could you take me off speakerphone, please. Then take the phone to Himiko."

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