Putting On A Show For Himiko (End)

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     Eight, the quietest clown, went on next. Seven had plopped herself next to Kokichi and wrapped her arms around his like a little sister would to an older brother. Kokichi smiled down at her and ruffled her hair. She smiled back at him and laid her head on his shoulder as she covered herself with his cape. Kokichi leaned towards Himiko on his opposite side and whispered in her ear. "Eight is a pretty good mime," he said. 

   "Nyeh...I guess that explains why he's quiet," Himiko whispered back. 

   "Nah...him being quiet has nothing to do with him being a mime," Kokichi explained. "He just doesn't like to talk. But him not speaking much helps to enhance his mime act." Eight began his act as a mime. He did tricks like leaning so far forward without bending his knees as if the wind was blowing him from behind. He also made himself look as if he were crammed in a box, and caught in between walls closing in on him, to being hit on the head by a brick, and finally finished with what looked like him being shot with arrows until he finally fell backwards to the floor. He made parts of his body twitch to make it more realistic. Himiko turned to Kokichi with a look of disbelief and apprehension. Kokichi merely smiled and began clapping his hands. Himiko followed suit as Eight stood up, bowed, and headed back to his seat.

  "Eight's had a pretty rough life before he joined D.I.C.E.," Kokichi explained. "He doesn't like to talk about it much, but it helps him to act out his feelings through pantomime."

  "I see," Himiko replied. "Is that the case for everyone else?"

   "Most of us, yeah," Kokichi said. "Some of us have had it worse than others, but one thing that we all share in common is that we're misfits who want somewhere to belong. Whether we've been ignored, ridiculed, neglected by family or friends, orphaned, whatevs...D.I.C.E. was created for people like us. We have fun and do whatever we want without anybody telling us what to do."

   "Nyeh? Whatever you want?" Himiko asked, trying to imagine what life would be like with no rules.

   "Whatever you want," Kokichi repeated with a sly smile on his face. "As long as it doesn't involve murder. That's our only rule here," he added with a serious look on his face. "Anywaaay...you should think about joining us, HimiCocoa Bean! You might like it!" He winked at her. "Okay, Nine! You're on, next!" 

   "Very well," Nine said, standing up. He reached for a box behind the chair he had been sitting on.

  "Nine likes to make-" Kokichi began, but once he saw Nine's box, he immediately changed his mind. "Um...actually, Nine, maybe you should sit this one out...just for today."

  "Well, that's disappointing," Nine said with his shoulders slumped. 

  "Nyeh? But I wanna see what he does," Himiko protested. Nine perked up a bit.

   "Do you really want to?!" he asked hopefully. He reached out the box he was holding to Himiko. "I can make balloon animals! Would you like one, your Supreme Lady-ness?" Himiko's face turned completely white.

  "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she screamed. Then, she leapt off of the couch and sprinted down the hallway somewhere.

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