Himiko Forgets (3)

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       Kokichi had been laying in his bed in the dark for what felt like forever. He heard the others leave, but he hadn't heard them come back, yet. He sat up in thought wondering if Himiko was okay. He didn't want to bother her, but he wanted to see how she was doing, if only for a few minutes. He left his room and went upstairs to the girls' floor. The door to Tenko and Himiko's room was closed, so Kokichi had to open it slowly to peak in and check on her. There she was, still snoozing peacefully in bed. Kokichi silently walked in and knelt by her bed. He crossed his arms onto her bed and plopped his head onto them, staring wistfully at her. 

     "I'm really sorry I did this to you, Himiko," he whispered, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. Then he kissed the back of her hand. "I hope you get better soon. When you wake up...the real you, I mean...I'm going to be a better boyfriend, okay? I promise." He stood up to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. He gave her a sad smile before leaving her room. 


    "Himiko...wake up," Tenko gently nudged Himiko awake. Himiko's eyes fluttered open. Out her window was the sky growing a pinkish-purplish sky, signaling the evening's approach. 

    "Huh?" she asked sleepily. 

    "Himiko, are you feeling better?" Tenko asked. Himiko's eyes shot open as she noticed Tenko.

    "AHHH!!!" Himiko yelped, pulling the covers up to her face. "Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" Tenko drooped her shoulders unhappily. 

    "I guess not," she muttered to herself. "C'mon, Himiko," she said, holding her hand out for Himiko to take. Himiko stayed frozen where she was. "It's okay, Himiko. I'm your best friend, Tenko, remember?" Himiko shook her head. Tenko explained to Himiko what had happened.

    "You're trying to help me get rid of my amnesia?" Himiko asked. 

   "Yes, Himiko," Tenko replied. "Please, let us help you!" Himiko hesitated at first, but she reluctantly left her bed and took Tenko's hand. Tenko led Himiko downstairs where the others, except Kokichi, were waiting for them. 

    "So, how is she, Tenko?" Kaede asked. Tenko shook her head forlornly, causing the others' faces to fall. "Well, there's still hope," Kaede continued. She gestured over to the dining room table. "We've brought your favorite snacks, Himiko! Maybe if you try them, it'll bring back your memory!" Himiko slowly tried each of her favorite snacks, hoping something would trigger her memory, but nothing seemed to work.

   "Um, sorry," she said sadly. "I can't remember anything." The others exchanged concern glances. 

   "Well, that's okay," Keebo said. "I can show you your magic shows on this screen, here," Keebo said, pointing to a projector screen. 

    "My magic shows?" Himiko asked. 

   "Yeah, you're the Ultimate Magici-er...the Ultimate Mage!" Tsumugi said.

   "I'm a mage?" Himiko asked, with a skeptical brow raised. "Don't be ridiculous, er...what's your name?"

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