Romantic School Lunch Date

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    It was lunch time at Hope's Peak Academy, and Himiko was on her way to the cafeteria from math class. Although she was getting better at math, she still hated it. There were times when she had off days, such as today, and she needed a break from Geometry and its stupid, annoying proofs. She entered the cafeteria, which was already filled with many other students. Usually, they were scrambling around the cafeteria trying to find tables to sit while they ate, but today, the students' attention was turned to the far side of the cafeteria, where the tall windows overlooked the garden area outside the school. In front of the windows was a reserved table surrounded by a gold ribbon. Next to the table was a grand piano at which Kaede sat with an excited look on her face. Next to Kaede and the grand piano were Kirumi with a large, purple glass bottle in her hands, and Teruteru with a tray table set out in front of him. Himiko, along with the other students, wondered what was going on over there. She was about to make her way towards the lunch line, when she suddenly felt a hand cover her eyes, and an arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her backwards. Himiko smiled. It seemed like this was Kokichi's new way of getting her attention, but she didn't mind.

   "Nyeh...what is it now?" she asked, already feeling a bit more relaxed in Kokichi's embrace.

   "Where do you think you're going?" Kokichi said, letting her go. Himiko spun around to face him.

   "To, um...get lunch," Himiko replied, gesturing towards the lunch line with her thumb. "That's what the cafeteria is for."

   "You won't be going through that line to get your lunch today, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi said with a cheeky grin. 

  "Why not?" Himiko asked. Then, she eyed him suspiciously. "Did you plant tiny explosives in the food?"

   "Hm...not a bad idea," Kokichi replied with a sly grin. "But, non, non. Come, my love. Today, you eat in style!" He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it before leading her to the reserved table.

   "Oh, my!" Himiko exclaimed softly, bringing her hand to her chest. "This is for us?"

   "Mm-hmmm..." Kokichi said, pulling out Himiko's chair for her. "You are my queen, after all! And you should be treated as such!" 

   "Ooo, thank you," Himiko smiled at him as she sat down. Kokichi kissed the back of her hand once more before taking his own seat. "So...what are we having for lunch today, then?"

   "Nee-heehee...something fancy, like cheese and wine!" Kokichi replied. 

  "Oh!, But, Kokichi...I don't drink," Himiko said. "We're not even old enough!" 

   "Don't worry, Monkey Buns," Kokichi said, then leaned forward to whisper to her. "It's only grape Panta." He winked playfully at her. Himiko giggled bashfully and blushed. Kokichi then swiftly clapped his hands together twice to signal Kirumi and Teruteru. They rushed over to the table, quickly preparing the dishes. Teruteru set two plates in front of Kokichi and Himiko. Then, on his tray, he opened a shiny silver lid to reveal some creamy mac and cheese in a large bowl. He scooped the cheesy concoction onto their plates. Next, Kirumi placed two wine glasses in front of them, and poured the grape Panta into each glass. Bowing silently and politely, Teruteru and Kirumi quickly left the table and positioned themselves in the same spot where they had stood before. Himiko looked at her mac and cheese with delight.

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