The Monster Of Casa V3 (2)

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       Himiko entered the kitchen to find some of her other housemates who were waiting in line to get their dinner. It was finally Himiko's turn, and she filled half her plate with food, since her eyes were practically bigger than her stomach. She entered the dining room and sat down right next to Kokichi. He smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist as he gave her a kiss on her temple. She turned to him with a bashful smile, and they greeted each other with a soft kiss.

   "Hey, Spunky Muffin!" Kokichi said, pinching her cheek.

   "Nyeh...Spunky Muffin??" Himiko asked, rubbing her cheek. "How'd you come up with that?"

   "Eh, I dunno," Kokichi shrugged. "It was the first thing that popped into my head. Why? You don't like it?"

   "I do, I just didn't expect a new pet name," Himiko replied.

   "Welp, I like muffins, and...ya got spunk, kid," Kokichi joked, nuzzling Himiko's nose. "Hence the name 'Spunky Muffin!'" Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes at him. Kokichi then leaned in towards Himiko and lowered his voice. "So, what was it like palling around with the itty-bitty, pea-brained bitchlet?" 

   "Ah, well, you's gonna take some time getting used to her," Himiko responded, twiddling her fingers. "She kinda makes *you* seem normal."

   "Nee-heehee...wooow, anybody who makes *me* seem normal must be a complete nut case...which is actually an appropriate term for Miu," Kokichi joked. 

   "Ew...don't start," Himiko said. "You're gonna make me lose my appetite." 

    "Well, it's not like you have one to begin with," Kokichi said, nodding to her mostly bare plate. "You eat like a bird, HimiCocoa Bean."

   "I can't help it if my stomach is the size of your brain. Hmph!" Himiko teased, tossing her hair at Kokichi. Kokichi chuckled as he raised his eyebrows sassily at her.

    "Haha, better watch it, Himiko," Kokichi said, snapping his fingers in a "Z" position. "That's a lot of sass coming from someone with no ass." Himiko gaped at him in surprise. Then she started drumming her fingers against his side.

   "Nyeh...I may not have a...butt...but I know where your tickle spot is!" Himiko said. Kokichi laughed out loud as he tried to avoid Himiko's tickles.

   "AAAUUUGGHHH...NO!! Stop it!" he squealed, trying to swat Himiko's hands away. 

    "Give up, yet?" Himiko asked.

   "A-HAHAHAHAHA!! Okay...okay, I give up!" Kokichi said. Himiko stopped tickling him, and he took a few deep breaths to calm down.

   "Looks like I won the battle," Himiko said with a smirk. Kokichi smirked back at her and pressed his forehead against hers.

   "You may have won the battle, babe, but the war is still on," he said in a seductive voice. Himiko blushed and let out a squeal. They shared a small kiss and were about to turn their attention back to their dinner when they realized that everyone else had been silently watching them the whole time. "Uhhh...can we help you?" Kokichi asked sarcastically.

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