That Time When Himiko Built A Kokichi Shrine In Her Closet (End)

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       Himiko and the other girls looked in wonder at Himiko's new closet. It looked exactly like Himiko pictured it.

   "Just a sec," Maki said, pulling out the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars. "Let me hang these up, real quick." She climbed up on a stepstool and stuck the stars on the ceiling. In a few minutes, she was done. "Okay, now it's good," she said, smiling at Himiko.

   "Okay, I'm gonna turn the light off right now," Kaede said, turning the bedroom light off and closing the blinds on the window. Then, she nodded to Himiko who closed the closet door and flipped the light switch on in her closet. They all gasped in delight at seeing the purple lights light up the closet.

   "Wow, I have to admit, this is pretty cool," Miu said. They heard a small knock on the closet door.

  "Are you in there?" came the voice of Kirumi. Himiko opened it up and motioned for Kirumi to come inside. "Oh, my, this is beautiful!" Kirumi said, and turned to Himiko. "As much as I, I must admit that I think he may be the right person for you, Himiko." Everyone looked at Kirumi in astonishment, even Himiko.

  " you really mean that, Kirumi?" Himiko asked. 

  "Of course," Kirumi replied. "It seems that he wants to help you improve, or so I've noticed."

  "What if all that's just a lie?" Tenko asked. 

  "Well, even if it is, or not, he does make a positive impact on Himiko's life," Kirumi explained. "For instance, he's helped Himiko with her self-confidence. Like how she stood up to Hifumi when he stole her diary. I've also noticed that her mood lifts whenever she's around him." Himiko blushed. "I also believe that perhaps he feels the same way about you, Himiko."

  "Nyeh...there's n-no way I can believe that!" Himiko said. She didn't want to get her hopes up about that. 

  "It's true that it is hard to get a read," Kirumi admitted. "But it just seems that he appears happier around you, Himiko. It's just...something I've noticed. That's all." Himiko wanted to believe that, but she kept finding it hard to believe that Kokichi would actually enjoy spending time with her. "Anyways," Kirumi continued. "I've made everyone lunch. Please come downstairs and eat." The other girls thanked Kirumi and followed her downstairs. Shutting her closet door, Himiko smiled to herself, hoping that what Kirumi had said was true. She had that feeling herself, the feeling that Kokichi might like her back, but she dared not hope too much. At the moment, she was just happy that her friends were supporting her, and that they weren't judging her for liking someone that everyone else despised. She kinda felt bad for Kokichi and decided that one day, she'd make the others see that he wasn't so bad. She decided this as she happily munched her lunch. 

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