Things Get Magically DICE-y For Kokichi and Himiko (10)

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     Later that night, Himiko woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she reached for her phone to see who was texting her. It was Kokichi! She smiled at his message.

    KOKICHI: Hey, Stinky Butt! You awake?

   Himiko felt warm inside and started to blush. She was glad she and Kokichi were talking again. Not only that, they officially became a couple! Even though she didn't say it out loud, she loved it when Kokichi called her "Stinky Butt." It wasn't a regular, boring term of endearment like "sweetie," or "honey." It sounded insulting, but it was just like Kokichi to turn an insult into a term of endearment. He didn't mean it to sound rude, it was just his way of showing he cared about her. But calling her "Stinky Butt" meant that they were definitely on good terms again, and she was happy.

    HIMIKO: Of course I'm not awake. I'm Himiko

    KOKICHI: Hardy-har-har, Miss Smartypants. If you're not too busy, meet me out in the backyard in five minutes. That's an order! You have no choice! Get out here, now, peasant! 

    HIMIKO:'re such a pain. XP

   KOKICHI: But I'm YOUR pain, now. ;) Now, hurrrrryyyy!!! Pweeaaaassssse?

   HIMIKO: Okay, you big baby! I'm on my way. 

   KOKICHI: Yaaaayyyyyy!!

  Rolling her eyes and smiling, Himiko got up from her bed and looked at her clock. It read 1:45 a.m. She didn't want to wake Tenko up, so she just stayed in her pajamas and slipped her boots on. She headed out into the backyard, but she didn't see Kokichi anywhere. 

   "Kokichi?" she whispered quietly. Suddenly, her vision went black as something warm and soft covered her eyes. At first, she freaked out, but then she heard a familiar, mischievous giggle that had always sent her heart soaring ever since she first heard it.

   "Nee-heehee, did I scare you?" Kokichi asked as he uncovered her eyes. She turned around to face him and smirked.

  "No, it was a relief not having to look at your dumb face anymore," she joked. They made faces at each other and laughed. Kokichi then took Himiko into his arms and pulled her into a firm, but loving embrace, and kissed her forehead. Himiko smiled contentedly as she lay her head on his chest. They embraced each other for a few minutes in blissful silence before Himiko spoke up.

   "So...what did you want to see me for?" Himiko asked quietly.

  "Ah, right!" Kokichi said as they let go of each other. "Well, since you've seen the members of my organization, I wanna formally introduce them to you!" Himiko looked at him uncomfortably.

  " mean, you're not upset that I found out about your secret organization?" she asked him. Kokichi shrugged nonchalantly.

   "Well, I guess you wouldn't have found out if I wasn't so harsh to you," he replied. He began to rub his arm in shame. "Well...I guess 'harsh' is an understatement. I guess I was more like-"

   "If you're okay with it, then I'd love to meet them," Himiko interrupted Kokichi, smiling at him and placing a comforting hand on his arm. He smiled back at her.

   "Okie-dokie, then!" he said. "Are you sure you'll be okay with it, though? Since, y'know...they're clowns."

  "I don't know why I should be afraid of clowns anymore when my own boyfriend is the biggest clown I know," she smirked at him. Kokichi broke out into a huge smile.

   "Haha, ya got me!" he laughed. He held out his arm for Himiko to take it. "Well, we'd better hurry up and get there. We were supposed to have left a couple of hours ago, but Gonta was awake and I couldn't come get you. It takes about an hour to get to my organization's headquarters, so we'll have to-"

   "Oh! Um...Kokichi?" Himiko interrupted.

  "Yes?" Kokichi asked. Himiko twiddled her fingers as she contemplated something. Then, she sighed.

  "Well...since I found out about your organization, I think it's only fair that I tell you my secret," she said. 

  "You mean a secret that's deeper and darker than your crush on me?" Kokichi smirked. Himiko smacked his arm.

 "Yes, even bigger than that!" Himiko replied, laughing. 

 "Oki, then. What is it?" Kokichi asked, putting his hands behind his head.

  "You promise not to tell?" Himiko asked. 

  "You promise not to tell anyone about my organization?" Kokichi asked in return.

   "I swear it," Himiko replied, looking him in his eye. Kokichi smiled at her.

   "Okay, then, Stinky Butt, you got yourself a deal!" he replied. "Consider me part of the Go-Go's, cuz my lips are sealed!" 

  "Um...okaaayyy?" Himiko replied, not understanding Kokichi's joke, but she continued. "Well, the truth is...I can actually do magic." Kokichi raised an eyebrow at her. Himiko saw the skepticism on his face and held up her hands indicating for him to wait.

   "Okay, stay here, I'll be right back," she said as she quietly slipped back inside the house. A few seconds later, she came back with the same broom that had carried with her to Kokichi's headquarters. 

   "Hey, that's the broom you were carrying with you when you found my headquarters," Kokichi said. 

   "Nyeh...that's right," Himiko replied, mounting the broom. She patted a part of the handle behind her, signaling to Kokichi to sit down. Smiling out of curiosity, he sat down behind her.

   "Okay, now whaaaaaat?!" Kokichi asked just as the broom started hovering above the ground. He looked down at the ground, then at Himiko, back at the ground, and then again at Himiko. A large, playful smile spread across his face. "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" he repeated excitedly. Himiko laughed at his enthusiasm and took off. Kokichi's laughter echoed behind them as the broom took them further away from Casa V3 and towards their destination. 


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