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     Light poured in through Himiko's window on a sunny, late Saturday morning, interrupting her after-breakfast nap. Oddly enough, however, she could only see half the light through her eyelids. The rest seemed to be blocked out by some sort of weird, shadowy shape. She drowsily opened her eyes to see a light purple object blocking her vision. Once her vision cleared, she immediately realized that a sticky note had been placed on her forehead. She sighed.

   "Nyeh...what did Kokichi write this time?" she muttered sleepily. She knew it was from Kokichi because he tended to write random things on sticky notes, and stick them onto Himiko's forehead while she was asleep. That way, she'd wake up to a pleasant surprise that would make her happy for the rest of her day. Himiko rubbed her eyes and read the note:

  *"Hiya, HimiCocoa Bean! I gotta run some errands, so I'll be gone for most of the day! Luv ya! And don't do drugs, haha! -Love, Kokichi Ouma, the super-duperest evil Supreme Leader that ever lived...ever. Did I mention that I'm evil? Mwa-hahahahahaha! 'Kay, bye-bye for realsies this time!"*

  Himiko smiled at the note and rolled her eyes. She knew that whenever Kokichi was going to "run errands," he meant that he'd be doing some shenanigans with his prankster organization, D.I.C.E. She sighed sadly, and stared longingly at his note. The fact that Kokichi was going to be gone all day made her feel empty; she could always count on him to spice things up a little whenever things got boring. Without him, life felt like more of a pain to go through.

   "Hey, Himiko! Glad to see you're awake!" Tenko grinned as she strolled into the room. She plopped herself next to Himiko on her bed. "What's wrong? You look sad? Wait! Did that degenerate Kokichi do something to you?" Himiko glared at Tenko.

   "I told you not to call him that!" Himiko snapped. Tenko looked at Himiko with a shocked and hurt expression.

   "I'm...sorry, Himiko," she mumbled sheepishly. Himiko sighed shamefully.

   "No...*I'm* sorry, Tenko," she said. Tenko put a comforting arm around Himiko's shoulder. "It's just that...Kokichi's going to be gone all day, and I...I just want him here," She buried her head into the crook of Tenko's neck. Tenko wrapped her arms comfortingly around Himiko.

   "It's okay, Himiko," Tenko murmured soothingly. "He'll come back. In the meantime, I'll be Kokichi for you! I know how to do his laugh, remember? Listen," Tenko cleared her throat. "'Nee-heehee!'" She did her best Kokichi laugh, causing Himiko to giggle. 

   "Nyeh...he sounds just like that," she laughed. 

   "Did that cheer you up?" Tenko asked hopefully.

   "Yeah, a little," Himiko said, giving Tenko a grateful smile. "Thanks, Tenko."

    "Nee-heehee...anything for you, HimiCocoa Bean!" Tenko replied, putting her hands behind her head, just like Kokichi. They both laughed out loud. Suddenly, Himiko had an idea that she thought would cheer herself up even more.

   "I got an idea!" she said, standing up from her bed. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 1 (A New Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now