Himiko's New Friend (2)

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     By the time lunchtime came around, Himiko was shivering violently, thanks to the school's AC, as well as her arms being so scrawny. 

   "Himiko, are you sure you don't want to borrow my jacket?" Angie asked her. 

   "N-No, I'm f-fine, Angie," Himiko replied, rubbing her arms ferociously. 

   "If you want, I can hug you...as Kokichi!" Tenko offered. 

   "N-No th-thanks, Tenk-k-o," Himko shook her head. Sonia suddenly arrived with an apologetic look on her face.

   "Himiko, I'm still really sorry for what happened this morning," she said. "If you want, I'd be more than happy to buy you lunch!"

   "It's-s ok-k-ay, Sonia," Himiko assured her. "Y-You don't h-have to."

   "Oh, well, then perhaps I could fetch you a sweater, then?" Sonia persisted. Himiko shook her head. Sonia was suddenly struck with a realization. "Oh, my! Did I stain your jacket, as well, and that's why you're not wearing it?"

    "No," Himiko replied. "I l-let Guki b-borrow my jacket."

    "Guki?" Sonia asked in confusion. "That is an odd name."

   "Nyeh...I agree," Himiko replied. "But when I met her, she was sad and lonely."

   "Yeah, apparently, she's the Ultimate Thespian," Tenko explained. "Himiko met her this morning, and she's supposed to meet us here for lunch." All four girls looked around.

   "Oh, well...where is she, Himiko?" Sonia asked. 

   "N-Nyeh...I don't know," Himiko answered, looking around for Guki. "A-Anyway, I let G-Guki borrow my j-jacket because she was c-cold."

   "That is strange," Sonia replied thoughtfully. "I don't recall hearing about an Ultimate Thespian here."

   "She d-doesn't have any friends," Himiko explained. "S-So, that's why I asked if she wanted t-to come over to l-lunch with m-me, Angie, and T-Tenko."

   "Well, that was very nice of you, Himiko," Sonia said. "Hopefully we get to meet her, soon. By the way, do you still have the notes from yesterday in math? I was unable to take notes of my own due to me going to the counselor's office to change one of my classes."

   "Nyeh...sure," Himiko replied, reaching for her bunny backpack.

    "Why are you changing classes, Sonia?' Tenko asked.

     "I feel like I must because of Kazuich-" Sonia began.

     "WHAT?!" Himiko interrupted, looking in bewilderment in her backpack. Angie, Sonia, and Tenko looked over at Himiko in surprise. 

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