The Monster of Casa V3 (5)

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        Kokichi and Himiko headed back inside to get dressed for the day. On her way to the bathroom, Himiko bumped into Miu.

   "Watch iiiit," Miu mumbled grouchily, rubbing her eyes. Once her eyes adjusted, she noticed Himiko was the one she had bumped into. "Hey, half-pint. You should watch were you're goin' next time! Just cuz we're friends now doesn't mean you can get on my bad side."

   "Nyeh...sorry, Miu," Himiko replied. "Um...I take it that you didn't sleep well?"

   "Unfortunately, I slept fine," Miu grumbled. "I'm supposed to stay up inventing stuff to save the world! But that's not why I'm grumpy. I'm grumpy cuz Lackluster Rack Kaidiot keeps accusin' me of leaving our bedroom window open when I didn't even open it! Then we got into a frikkin' tiff! Over somethin' that wasn't even my fault!" 

   "Oh...I'm sorry that happened," Himiko replied.

   "Eh...whatever," Miu said, brightening. "More importantly, I invented something after dinner last night that'll really knock your bra off! You should come see it later!"

   "Okay, I will," Himiko said with a smile. Miu smiled back and entered the bathroom without realizing that Himiko was just about to use it. "...Dang it," Himiko grumbled to herself. "Now I gotta wait five kajillion years for her to get out of there."

   "Himiko!" came Kokichi's voice from the top step of the staircase. He was dressed for the day, unlike Himiko. "Why are you still in your pajamas?"

   "Miu's in the bathroom," Himiko replied, gesturing towards the bathroom. "Anyways, Kokichi, Miu wants to show me another one of her inventions."

   "Well, just blow her off," Kokichi said. "We don't have time for her crap." Himiko shifted her weight uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being rude and blunt like Kokichi. Noticing her expression, Kokichi sighed. 

   "Okay, okay, you can look at her stupid inventions," he said. "Just make sure you're in time for Osiris's arrival."

  "Kokichi...I was wondering if you could also be with me while Miu is showing her inventions?" Himiko said shyly. "I felt weird being in there with her without you." Kokichi stuck his tongue out in disgust.

   "Yecchh!" he exclaimed. "I'd rather have my guts viciously torn out by werecat Osiris than to stand *anywhere* in close proximity to that promiscuous pig!"

   "Oh, please don't say that," Himiko said. 

   "Well, it's true!" Kokichi said. "She *is* a promiscuous pig!"

   "Well, no...I didn't mean that part," Himiko said. "I meant about the part about Osiris being the werecat...*and* having your guts being torn out."

  "Yeah, those are pretty bad," Kokichi agreed. At that moment, Miu came bursting out of the bathroom fully-dressed.

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