Kokichi's Patronus and Hogwarts House

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     "Hey, Himiko!" Kokichi said, standing in the doorway to Himiko and Tenko's room. Himiko was sitting at her computer with an intense and excited expression. She noticed Kokichi and waved happily at him, inviting him in. "What'cha doin?'" Himiko turned to him with a huge grin. 

    "I'm chatting with my online friends on PotterheadParadise!" she replied.

   "What's PotterheadParadise?" Kokichi asked with a raised eyebrow.

   "It's a website where a bunch of Harry Potter fans come together and talk about...well... the world of Harry Potter, of course!" Himiko replied. "Look, we can post pictures, chat, upload fanart and fanfiction, take Harry Potter quizzes, and a whole lot more!"

  "I see," Kokichi replied. "So, you're in here getting your nerd on," he joked. Himiko nudged him playfully.

   "I'm not getting my nerd on...well, not yet, anyways," she replied. "There's going to be a Harry Potter convention coming up next month! Aaahhh, I'm so exciteeed!" Kokichi smiled at her and stroked her cheek. It wasn't often he saw her this enthusiastic about something, and he thought it was really cute. "Nyeh...I just wish I had someone to go with."

   "Why not Tsumugi?" Kokichi asked.

    "I asked her, but she said that the convention was at the same time that she wasn't going to be feeling well," Himiko replied. Kokichi looked at her with confusion.

   "What do you mean?" he asked.

   "Well...let's just say that it's the same time she's going to be on her...'girly problem,'" Himiko replied. Kokichi nodded, realizing what she meant.

   "Oooohhhh, I see," he said. 

   "Yeah, and Tsumugi doesn't like to cosplay while she's...going through that," Himiko explained. "She said that she gets cranky, which gets in the way of everyone's fun."

  "Ah, wouldn't want that," Kokichi said.

  "Which is a shame, because she was going to cosplay as Fleur Delacour of the Beauxbatons, and I really wanted to see her costume," Himiko replied forlornly. 

  "Um...suuuuure," Kokichi replied, not knowing who she was talking about. Suddenly, Himiko's eyes lit up as she looked at Kokichi and gasped. "No..." Kokichi said to her, backing away from her. He knew what she was thinking. 

   "You could go with me!" she said. 

   "Nuh-uh...Himiko, no!" Kokichi said, backing further away as Himiko advanced towards him. "I'm not a fan of Harry Potter; I haven't even read the books or seen the movies!"

  "That's fine! We can watch the movies together!" Himiko said. "Or we can start a book club and read the books together!" 

   "No, Himiko...NO!!! GET AWAY!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!" Kokichi screamed as he started to run out the door. Himiko, however, grabbed him before he could leave. He was holding onto the sides of the doorway, trying to keep Himiko from pulling him back into her room. "HEEEEELLLLLP!!!" he screeched again. The other students ran upstairs to see what the fuss was all about.

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