Kokichi and Himiko Go Dream Hopping (End: Maki)

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     Himiko and Kokichi exited Kirumi's dream through the mint green portal, causing it to close up. They were back in the real world, in Maki and Kirumi's room. They looked outside the bedroom window and saw the sky growing blue as dawn slowly approached.

    "Wow, we've been doing this all night," Kokichi whispered. "Are you sure you wanna keep going?" Himiko looked back and forth between Maki and the approaching dawn sky. 

   "Yeah," Himiko said. She blew another dose of powder at Kirumi, and then at Maki, just in case. "Okay, they should be knocked out for at least thirty minutes," Himiko said. "Hopefully, that should give us enough time." Kokichi nodded to her. Himiko stretched her arms out in front of her. Her eyes glowed white, and white orbs formed around her hands. "In the light of day, you are not as you seem! Reveal to me the truth in your dream...Maki Harukawa!" 

     A dark red glow appeared around Maki and slid itself from her body. It balled itself into an orb before expanding into the shape of a portal. Kokichi and Himiko could see inside Maki's dream. In the distance was a large, dark city with red skies and shadowy buildings. Himiko shuddered. 

   "I'm not too excited about going in there," she said.

   "I kind of am!" Kokichi said as he took Himiko's hand in his. Himiko took a deep breath and followed Kokichi into Maki's dream. They found themselves sandwiched between two buildings in a dark alleyway. Gripping each others' hands tightly, they left the alleyway and observed their surroundings. The moon shone in the eerie, bright red sky. Nobody was out on the streets, making the dream quite frightening and empty. 

   "C'mon, maybe we'll find Maki, or SOMEBODY around here," Kokichi said, leading Himiko further away from the alleyway. They didn't walk long before Himiko let out a gasp. "What's wrong?" Kokichi asked. Himiko pointed to a torn-up newspaper on the ground, its headline reading: "Famous Astronaut Finally Slain!" Himiko picked it up and saw a picture of a dead, bloodied body sprawled all over the floor of what looked like the inside of someone's bedroom. Kokichi took the paper from Himiko's shaky hands and read further:

   "'The world was in a state of jubilee after Kaito Momota, the world's most famous astronaut and enemy to the Dark Ruler, was found dead in his apartment Friday afternoon. He had a stab wound in his chest, and a puncture wound was found in his heart. This caused many to speculate his death was a very calculated homicide, as were the deaths of many other treasonous cockroaches who have betrayed the glorious Dark Ruler. Officials believe Momota's death may be tied to-' and then it cuts off right there," Kokichi said, showing Himiko the torn part of the newspaper. 

   "That's so terrible!" Himiko breathed. "Poor Maki! We must be in a nightmare! And, who's the 'Dark Ruler?'" 

   "I have no clue, but I'll bet it has something to do with that," Kokichi replied, pointing upwards. Himiko turned to look at where he was pointing and followed his gaze to the building towering above them. The building was a tall, dark skyscraper with a large dome-shaped roof where the back end of the roof hung over the building. Glowing red windows shone menacingly underneath the domed roof. The building overall was made to resemble a giant skull. Kokichi and Himiko started at it for quite a while.

   "Welp, let's go in!" Kokichi said nonchalantly as he strolled towards the entrance of the building. Himiko grabbed his arm.

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