A Dangan Fairy Tale: Himipunzel (7)

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   "I...I don't understand," Himipunzel said after a few moments of silence. 

   "She died before I could find the flower," Kichi explained. "But, that didn't stop me from trying to search for it. I needed more, in case any of my other close friends get sick."

  "Oh, I see," Himipunzel said softly. Then, she left her bed and stood next to Kichi's, and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Kichi," she said. "If you want, you can go back to your friends with the flower while I search for my sister. I can handle it from here." Kichi gave her a half-smile, half-smirk and patted her hand that was on his shoulder.

  "No can do, Punz," he said. "My friends can wait for now. But if you go out there by yourself, you're definitely going to get killed, I'm just saying. And...I just can't have that on my conscience." Himipunzel smiled sweetly at him.

  "Well, okay, then," she replied shyly. She turned to go back to her bed, but turned back around towards Kichi. "Um, Kichi?"

  "Hm?" he asked with his eyes closed.

   "If I was the queen of a kingdom, I wouldn't banish you," Himipunzel said. "And I'd give you all the rapunzel flowers if it meant helping your friends." Kichi opened one eye and smiled at her.

   "Aww, you're makin' me blush, Punzie Buns," Kichi cooed. "But, I appreciate it." He then closed his eye and tried to get back to sleep. Himipunzel leaned in forward and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Kichi's eyes shot back open and he turned to Himipunzel in surprise. Their eyes locked onto each others' for a few seconds. Himipunzel felt her heart begin to race as Kichi's deep purple eyes pierced her very soul. She found herself becoming weak at the knees as Kichi's surprised mouth turned into a smile. She had never experienced such a feeling before, but she found herself enjoying it. She suddenly remembered that she had to get back to sleep and decided to shake herself out of her trance, however.

   "Um...w-well, I guess I should get to sleep," she chuckled nervously. Still smiling, Kichi nodded at her. Himipunzel climbed into her bed and turned away from Kichi, feeling her cheeks becoming very hot. She tried to force herself asleep, but her heart kept racing as thoughts of Kichi flooded her mind, and she didn't mind one bit. She smiled happily to herself as her mind drifted from her sister to the jester that was currently laying in the bed next to hers. 


   The next morning, Himipunzel woke up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She noticed that the spot next to her where Sir Quacks-A-Lot had been was empty.

  "Sir Quacks-A-Lot! Where are you?!" she gasped. 

   "Why don't you try looking everywhere else before you start freaking out?" came Kichi's voice from across the room. Himipunzel whirled around to find Kichi feeding Sir Quacks-A-Lot some bread at the small, round table. Himipunzel breathed in relief and stood up to join them. "Honey and bread?" Kichi offered to her. Himipunzel nodded and thanked him. She sat down as Kichi handed her a slice of bread and a knife to spread the honey on. 

  "Kichi...I was wondering..." Himipunzel said timidly. 

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