A DanganFairy Tale: Himipunzel (8)

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    "Tenkodil!" Himipunzel exclaimed as she rushed into her sister's arms. The two sisters hugged fiercely, tears streaming from their eyes. "Tenkodil! Where were you?! I was so worried about you!"

  "How did you get out of the tower?" Tenkodil asked at the same time. Their questions jumbled over each other's and they had to pause to decide who should speak first. "You go first," Tenkodil offered, sniffling.

  "Where were you, Tenkodil? You had me worried sick!" Himipunzel said.

  "I went out looking for your present, but then I was captured by some guards," Tenkodil explained. "I like your duck, by the way," she added, patting Sir Quacks-A-Lot on his head.

  "Thank you," Himipunzel responded, smiling. "His name is Sir Quacks-A-Lot. But, Tenkodil, wh-why were you captured by guards?!" she asked with shock. 

   "It doesn't matter," Tenkodil replied. "All that matters is that I got away, and you and I are safe." Himipunzel didn't know why, but she felt a sudden feeling of danger. Sir Quacks-A-Lot even seemed uncertain as he quacked warily. Himipunzel patted his head reassuringly, decided that they were both just being silly, so she ignored her feeling. Besides, she felt safe knowing that her sister was alive and well. "But, now it's your turn," Tenkodil continued. "How did you get out of the tower?"

   "Oh! A jester helped me!" Himipunzel said. Tenkodil snapped to attention.

   "A jester?" she asked. "What jester?"

  "His name is Kichi. He's over there," Himipunzel said, pointing over to Kichi in the festival crowd. He was still waiting in line to buy a Dragon Fruit Pie. She turned back to Tenkodil who had an apprehensive look on her face, but was trying hard to keep it subdued.

  "Oh, r-really?" she asked with a stilted smile. 

  "Yeah, why?" Himipunzel asked. 

  "Oh! No reason," Tenkodil responded. Again, Himipunzel felt that small feeling of suspicion and danger creeping up. "It's just that...he hasn't hurt you, or anything, has he? I mean, he is a stranger, after all," Tenkodil continued. "Not only that, he's also a wanted thief, apparently." 

   "Oh...you know about that?" Himipunzel asked. 

   "Yes, but as long as he didn't hurt you, it's fine," Tenkodil replied firmly. Himipunzel sighed with relief. Tenkodil was just being the protective older sister that she usually is. Himipunzel didn't understand why she was so on edge. She began to relax a little.

   "Well, he's been very nice to me," Himipunzel responded. "He even taught me what jokes and puns are, and how to do things on my own, and...I think I kinda like-"

  "Himipunzel," Tenkodil interrupted with sudden urgency in her voice. She firmly gripped Himipunzel's shoulders. "Um, we can't talk right now."

  "What?! Why?!" Himipunzel whispered with fright.

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