Himiko Forgets (1)

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      "Hey, Himiko, I'm so boooored," Kokichi complained as he trudged into Himiko and Tenko's room. He plopped himself onto Himiko's bed and sighed dramatically. Himiko was sitting at her desk, typing away at her fanfiction stories on her laptop. She looked over at Kokichi and smiled, rolling her eyes at his dramatic behavior. 

   "Nyeh...why don't you go play with Gonta, then?" she asked. 

    "Nyeh...'cuz I don't wanna," Kokichi replied, smirking at Himiko. She playfully swatted at him. "Besides, I wanna play with you! What are you even doing?" 

    "I'm writing more fanfiction," Himiko replied. "This time, it's about...well, never mind. Last time I told you who I was writing about, we made their lives miserable." She minimized the page and closed her laptop. "And I don't feel safe with you in here while I'm writing, so I'll just leave it alone for now."

   "YAAAYYY!!!" Kokichi exclaimed. "Ooo! Ooo! I know! Let's play tag! You're it!" He jumped up form Himiko's bed and tagged her, then ran out of the room. "Try and catch me, Stinky Butt!" His laughter echoed throughout the hall and down the stairs. 

   "Nyyeeehhhh...Kokichiiiiii..." Himiko whined. "I don't feel like runniiiinnnng!" Kokichi came back up and plopped himself back on her bed, thinking for a bit. 

    "Okay...how about this: I'LL be it, and YOU run?" Kokichi suggested. "BUT, this type of tag will be a twist! It'll be...TICKLE TAG!!!" The word "tickle" caused Himiko to jump up from her seat and start running. When it came to tickling, Kokichi truly had the magic touch. Just the thought of him tickling her made Himiko laugh. Himiko ran downstairs with Kokichi right behind her.

   "AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Himiko screamed and laughed. She could feel Kokichi's fingers touching her waist, causing her to run faster. They ran into the living room; Himiko would hide behind some of the other students in an attempt to evade Kokichi's tickly fingertips. 

    "Hey, guys! Be careful!" Kaede warned as they zoomed past her. Himiko ran through the rec room and almost into Ryoma. 

   "WAH!! Ryoma! Look out!" Himiko laughed. He moved out of the way just in time for her to dodge him. 

   "It's not cool to run around the house," he also warned. "Someone could seriously get hurt!" 

   "HEADS UP, RYOMA!!!" Kokichi shouted as he jumped over Ryoma. "Better yet, heads DOWN!" he called back, his laughter echoing behind him. Himiko tried to round a corner in the kitchen to make her way into the dining room, but she had forgotten that Kirumi had just recently mopped the floor. The next thing Himiko knew, her legs were up in the air, and her head had hit the ground with such force that the next thing she saw was pitch black. Kokichi had seen what happened and frantically rushed to her side.

   "Himiko!! HIMIKO!!!" he tried moving her body, but she lay as still and silent as a tomb. " Kokichi suddenly began panicking. "Omigoshomigoshomigosh...HEEE-EEEEEELLLP!!" he cried. The other students ran into the kitchen to see what had happened. 

   "Kokichi...what did you do?!" Kaito demanded. 

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