Kokichi and Himiko's "Switchuation" (1)

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      "Ugghhhh...I can't come up with anything!" Kokichi groaned as he plopped himself onto his bed, his head buried in the pillows. He turned to Himiko who was standing beside his bed with her hands clasped in front of her in a polite manner. "You got any ideas?" he asked, looking up at her. Himiko shook her head which made Kokichi groan again and dropped his head back onto his pillows. He and Himiko had been pulling pranks for the past couple of weeks ever since the love letter fiasco. Himiko didn't think she'd have so much fun pulling pranks with Kokichi because of all the trouble she thought it would bring. But she ended up having a blast, and surprisingly, some of the other students were delighted by their pranks, even if they were the ones being pranked. It was going great up until now; they were both fresh out of prank ideas.

    "Nyeh...maybe we need a break," Himiko suggested. Kokichi looked up at her, propping his head into his hand.

   "What, are you getting bored, already?!" he asked in annoyance.

   "No, I just think that if we try to force it, we'll get nowhere," Himiko explained. "I think if we take a break, an idea might...you know...pop out of nowhere." Kokichi considered this and nodded his head, smiling.

   "Ohhhh, you're right, Himiko," Kokichi replied. "Another good reason why you're my prank buddy! I guess even the Ultimate Supreme Leader needs to know when to take it easy." He rolled onto his back and sighed contentedly, resting his arms behind his head on his squishy pillows. He then looked over at Himiko still standing next to his bed. "You don't have to stand there, Himiko," he said to her. "You can sit on my bed."

   "I-I'm not gonna do that!" Himiko exclaimed. 

   "Why not?" he asked, smirking.

   "C-Cuz, it's rude for me to sit on a boy's bed!" she replied. "And, plus, a boy might get ideas when a girl sits on his bed!"

  "Nee-heehee, you've been around Tenko way too much. Just sit over on the other side," Kokichi laughed, pointing to the other end of his bed. "I'm not gonna do anything."

  "I kn-know that!" Himiko replied, stiffening up. 

  "Nee-heehee, why are you so flustered?" Kokichi asked. 

  "I'm n-not!" Himiko shot back.

  "Then just sit down," Kokichi insisted. "I'll stay right here...unless you don't want me to stay right here." He grinned mischievously at her. 

  "STAYRIGHTTHERE!" Himiko replied abruptly and plopped herself onto the other end of Kokichi's bed. "There! Are you happy?!" 

  "You can put your feet up, too, y'know," he said. Himiko rolled her eyes and slowly put her feet up on his bed. She sat cross-legged and crossed her arms at him. He smiled at her in amusement. "Comfy?" he asked her nonchalantly. 

   "I guess," she huffed. 

  "Good," Kokichi replied, and he closed his eyes. Himiko began to relax after a while, as well, and stared at Kokichi even though she was trying not to, in case he opened his eyes and noticed her staring. Something he had said earlier, however, sparked some interest in her.

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