Kokichi and Himiko's "Switchuation" (4)

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      "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE WORM!!!" Genocide Jack screamed. "I'M GONAA SLICE YOU LIKE A CHRISTMAS HAM!!!" She was chasing Himiko down the hall with her scissors pointed at her. Word had spread across the school already about Kokichi and Himiko's "switch." Some students, like Toko, didn't believe it, so Himiko had figured out a way to convince her.

    "You're gonna have to catch me first," Himiko called back to her. She had thrown some pepper at Toko to see if she would sneeze and turn into Genocide Jack. She'd figured it was something Kokichi would have done, so she had decided to do it herself. Now, she was sort of regretting it. Having Genocide Jack chase after her with those pointy scissors was extremely terrifying, but it also gave her a thrill. She was beginning to see why Kokichi did the things he did. It gave her the same adrenaline rush that a roller coaster or a broom ride would give her. It was scary, but exciting at the same time. Unfortunately for Himiko, Genocide Jack was much faster and ended up pinning her against the wall.

    "I've got you, now!" Genocide Jack said, inching her scissors close to Himiko's neck. "Now, I'm gonna cut you deep...DEEP, I SAY!!! KYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Himiko stared at her in horror. 

   *How would Kokichi get himself out of this?* she thought to herself. *C'mon, Himiko, think!* She forced herself to calm down and put on a cheeky smile. "Nee-heehee, you can't kill me, Ms. Hyde," she said. "You only kill boys, remember?"

   "Well, since you're really Kokichi, I can kill you all I want!" Genocide Jack responded. "And there's nothing you can do about it!"

   "But you don't understand," Himiko said, improvising. "All I wanted to do was meet you, honest!"

   "If there's anything I know about you, Kokichi, it's that honesty ISN'T the best policy!" Genocide Jack said. "All I smelled was pepper, and the next thing I saw was you, which could only mean one thing: you threw that pepper in my face because you were looking for trouble, and now YOU GOT TROUBLE!"

    *Crap, crap!* Himiko thought to herself. *What now?!* She thought how Kokichi would get out of this situation, but she couldn't figure out how. She didn't have his quick thinking, or his ability to manipulate others, or his ability to lie like the devil. *Wait, lie! That's it! That's his thing!* Himiko thought to herself. She remembered that Toko and Genocide Jack had separate memories. Maybe Toko could remember Himiko throwing pepper at her, but Genocide Jack had no way of remembering that. That meant that Himiko could lie to Genocide Jack all she wanted. "But can you PROVE that I threw that pepper in your face on purpose?" Himiko asked with a smirk. 

   "Well, who else coulda done it?!" Genocide Jack asked.

   "Could have been Miss Morose herself, don'tcha think?" Himiko replied. "After all, she is pretty clumsy, ya know?"

   "I suppose that's true!" Genocide Jack replied. "Well, then, if it wasn't you, why were you running away?"

   "Because you started chasing me, as if you thought that I had done it," Himiko said, feigning a sob. "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUUUUUUCH?! WAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

   "Ugh...you're so annoying!" Genocide Jack said, releasing Himiko from her grasp. "I'll let you live this time, but don't EVER let me catch you throwing pepper at me, got it?! If I ever find out that you did it...it's your funeral," she hissed. Then she turned and ran away, cackling wildly. Himiko breathed out in relief. 

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