It's On, Leon! (5)

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     The night before the school dance, Himiko stayed up late to finish her plan to exact her revenge on Leon. She dressed herself in all-black clothing, and snuck out of her room quietly so Tenko wouldn't hear. She tiptoed to the front door and opened it swiftly, so the creaking wouldn't be loud and drawn-out. She exited the silent house, and made her way to the entomological museum. Outside the museum, she hid behind some bushes, trying to figure out how to sneak into it.

   " looks like the window is the best bet," she whispered to herself. She was about to stand up, when she heard a voice whisper right behind her.

   "You should probably disable the cameras first," it said.

   "AAAHHH!!!" Himiko shrieked and fell to the floor, covering her head. She looked up when she heard snickering. Her fear then turned to anger as she shoved Kokichi and pinned him to the ground. "You idiot! You scared me!" she hissed furiously. Kokichi merely gave her a playful, mischievous grin.

   "Nee-heehee...better me than the security guard," he pointed out. Himiko's anger melted away, but she was still annoyed. She backed up off of Kokichi and sat on her knees.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked. 

   "Well...I was on my way to D.I.C.E. headquarters, buuut I saw you sneaking out, and I decided to follow you instead," Kokichi explained. "Haha, and it's a good thing I did because you were about to waltz right into the view of that camera." He pointed to a security camera near the window that Himiko was planning to enter the museum from. Himiko sighed.

   " do I disable the cameras, then?" she asked.

  "Hm...I don't have any of the Electro-bombs that Miu invented for me on my person, so we'll have to think of another way," Kokichi said.

   "Miu knows you're a criminal?!" Himiko exclaimed.

   "Hm? Oh! Nah, I told her to invent the Electro-bombs, and that was that," Kokichi replied with a nonchalant shrug. "I didn't tell her what they were for, and she didn't ask any questions."

  "Well, then I guess we'll have to be extra sneaky, then," Himiko said, trying to find areas around the museum that didn't have any cameras nearby. 

   "Heeey, I wanna wear all-black, too!" Kokichi pouted. "Can you make my clothes match yours with your magic?"

  "You actually want to do this with me?" Himiko asked incredulously.

  "Uh...yeah!" Kokichi replied. "Breaking into buildings is pretty much second nature to me! Plus, I finally get to commit a crime with my Supreme Lady!"

  "Please don't call it a crime," Himiko groaned. "I'm just doing this to get back at Leon."

  "But, you're committing a crime in the process," Kokichi pointed out. 

   "Nyeh...don't remind me," Himiko replied, feeling sick to her stomach.

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