Himiko Helps Kokichi Write A Scandalous Love Letter

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        Himiko was in her room alone typing away on her computer. She was writing her usual "fanfiction" of Shuichi and Kyoko being a mystery-solving couple. She was at a part where Kyoko was dangling off of the Eiffel Tower and Shuichi was coming to her rescue. Lost in thought, Himiko sat back in her chair wondering if she should end this particular chapter on a cliffhanger, or have Shuichi save Kyoko. She was so enveloped in her mind that she didn't hear the commotion that was going on outside, and didn't react until the door to hers and Tenko's bedroom burst open and closed shut right after. It was Kokichi, and he was laughing while pushing the door back to keep whoever had been chasing him out.

     "KOKICHI!!! YOU'D BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR, OR ELSE!!!" Kaito shouted angrily on the other side. "You can't stay in there, forever, you know! You know you're not supposed to be in any of the girls' rooms alone!"

   "Nee-heehee, how do you know I'm in here alone?" Kokichi shouted back. 

  "Tenko, Himiko, are you guys in there?" Kaito shouted through the door. Himiko was about to answer until she noticed Kokichi smile sneakily and put his finger to his lips indicating to her to stay quiet. Himiko felt a bit bad for Kaito, but she nevertheless stayed silent and returned to her writing, mainly to hide her blushing. Her heart began to beat faster knowing that Kokichi was in the room with her. 

   "See? Nobody's in here," Kokichi shouted back. 

  "Kokichi, get out of there, NOW!" Kaito demanded. 

  "Nope, I don't think I will, hothead," Kokichi replied, locking the door. "I think I'll stay here until you're ready to use your inside voice, young man."

   "Grr...you stubborn little..." Kaito growled. "Sooner or later you're gonna have to come out of there, ya know!"

   "I prefer later," Kokichi replied, crossing his arms smugly. 

  "I'm gonna tell Himiko and Tenko that you were in their room!" Kaito threatened. 

  "Pfff...nobody likes a snitch! Jeez," Kokichi said in a taunting manner, leaning against the door with a conniving smile on his face. Then he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Go ahead and tell them! I'd rather deal with them than a hot-blooded idiot like you."

   "AAAUUUUGGHHHHHH...FINE! STAY IN THERE!! I HOPE TENKO BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!" Kaito yelled and stormed off. Kokichi snickered impishly to himself. He looked over at Himiko who had ignored the whole fracas between Kaito and Kokichi and kept writing her fanfiction. With crossed arms and a mischievous smile, he slinked silently over to her and peered over her shoulder at what she was writing. Himiko didn't notice his head was right next to hers until she heard him chuckle. 

   "Nyeh!" Himiko exclaimed. Then she hurriedly minimized the window that her fanfiction was on. "Why are you in here?" she asked him, though she didn't mind him being in there one bit. "Why was Kaito trying to kill you this time? Did you drive his car, again?"

   "Nee-heehee, nope!" Kokichi replied, putting his hands behind his head. "It's because I ate the last piece of that coconut cream pie. He said that that piece was reserved for him, but...I ate it, anyways."

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