Kokichi and Himiko's "Switchuation" (3)

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        "Ohhhhhh, KAI-TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Himiko said, skipping into the kitchen where Kaito was making breakfast. 

   "Oh, hey, Himiko," Kaito smiled at her cheerfully. "What's up? You seem different this morning." 

   "Nee-heehee, you're gettin' war-meeerrrrr," Himiko said with a mischievous smile on her face. Kaito stared at her, not knowing what to say. Then he let out a hearty laugh.

  "That's a pretty good impression of Kokichi," he said. "You've, uh...been hangin' out with him a lot, lately."

   "I hang out with him all the time because...I AM HIM!!!" Himiko replied. "Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!" She did her best to imitate Kokichi's evil laugh. 

   "Um....oookaaaay?" Kaito said. "Look, I get that you can imitate Kokichi very well, Himiko, but enough's enough! Kokichi is a huge pain enough as it is, so please don't act like him." Though she could understand why Kaito felt that way about Kokichi, she couldn't help but feel bad for Kokichi. She knew he could be bratty, but his intentions weren't all that malicious. He just liked to have fun and wanted attention...in a very odd way.

   "Oh, if only I could, Kaito, but I can't," Himiko continued. "Because you see, Himiko and I have switched bodies."

   "Ghg...now you're l-lying like him, too?!" Kaito asked incredulously. "You seriously need to stay away from that guy!" 

   "Nee-heehee, if I were lying, would I do this?" Himiko asked and ran over to Kaito. She reared her foot back far behind her and swung forward with all her might at Kaito's leg. Kaito screamed out in pain.

    "OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Kaito bellowed. "Why, you little-" he growled. He reached out and grabbed at Himiko who laughed in a bratty way. 

   "Haha, can't catch me, Kaito!" Himiko called out to him. The other students ran downstairs after hearing Kaito scream and looked at him with confusion. But he was too angry to notice them and shot after Himiko. 

   "Get back here, you little runt!" Kaito demanded. Himiko wasn't nearly as evasive as Kokichi, so Kaito was able to catch her much easier. He grabbed her by the arm which freaked Himiko out a bit. He raised his fist back, getting ready to strike her. Despite how freaked out she was, Himiko quickly managed to think of something Kokichi might have said had he actually been stuck in Himiko's body and was about to be walloped by Kaito. She smiled smugly at him.

   "Would you really hit a girl, Kaito?" Himiko asked him. Kaito stopped in mid-swing. 

   "Wh-What?" Kaito asked. The other students stared in shock and horror at Kaito. "B-But, you said you're Kokichi," Kaito continued, clearly confused.

   "I am Kokichi," Himiko went on. "But even if I am Kokichi, I'm still stuck in Himiko's body. So...could you really live with yourself knowing that you hit a girl?" she sneered at him. Kaito growled and let Himiko go. She gave him a smirk as she crossed her arms. She had to admit that acting like Kokichi was super fun. She also felt a rush of power having control over Kaito like that. Kaito looked over at Kokichi who was standing with the other students.

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