Kokichi Pampers Himiko

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     Himiko entered Casa V3 exhausted as she slid to the floor behind the front door sweaty and out of breath. Her face was red from the mid-afternoon heat outside and having to carry her trunk full of magic items. She had done four different magic shows: three at birthday parties, and one, to her surprise, a wedding. Just like the previous times, Kokichi had wanted to go with her, but he was forced to do the dishes from the previous night after losing a bet. He had spent the whole morning washing dishes while sulking and whining. After he had finished, he spent the rest of his time peeking out the front window every now and then to see if Himiko was on her way home. He was on his way to do another round of peeking when he saw Himiko slumped on the floor next to her magic trunk. 

   "There's my li'l magical mamacita!" Kokichi said, sitting next to Himiko who gave him a tired smile. He gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

  "Nyeh...hi, Kokichi," she replied, laying her head on his shoulder. 

   "Nee-heehee...is someone being a sleepyhead from doing all her magic shows?" Kokichi asked, ruffling her hair. Himiko nodded her head sleepily. 

   "Mm-hmm..." she mumbled softly. 

   "Aw...poor Monkey Buns," Kokichi said. "Welp, you're in luck, HimiCocoa Bean, cuz I got the perfect remedy for you!" 

   "What is it?" Himiko asked, looking up at him.

  "For the rest of your day, you'll do nothing but relax," he replied. "I'll see to it that nobody or nothing gets in the way of your perfect day!" With a burst of energy, Kokichi hopped up and carried Himiko's trunk to her room. Himiko was too tired to follow him, so she just sat there, leaning against the front door. Her eyes felt so heavy that the next thing she saw was black. She felt herself jolt suddenly, however, and noticed that Kokichi was squatting in front of her.

   "Kyaaa!! How long have I been asleep?!" Himiko asked frantically, drool coming from her mouth. Kokichi reached over to wipe it off with his sleeve.

   "Only for about 15 minutes," Kokichi replied. "Come upstairs! I've got something prepared for you!" He helped her stand up and led her upstairs to the girls' bathroom to find that he had prepared a bubble bath for her. The tub was filled with steamy hot water and purple bubbles that had a lavender scent to them. "Better hurry up and get in there," Kokichi said, gently pushing her towards the tub. He turned around to leave.

   "But I need my paja-" she began.

   "Ah-bup-bup!" Kokichi interrupted, putting a finger to her lips. "I'll take care of everything. Just get in that tub and relax." With one last smile, he left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Sighing, Himiko removed her clothes and stepped into the tub. At first, it was a bit too hot, but as she eased her way in, the heat wasn't as intense. The scent of the lavender, along with the soft bubbles, began to soothe her, causing her to feel relaxed. She ran the water through her hair and onto her face just to get the lavender scent all over her. She sighed contentedly as she laid her head back and soaked in the warm, sweet-scented water. 

   "Oh, Himikooooo," Kokichi's voice called from the other side of the door. 

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