Manga Is Magic!

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      Kokichi was raucously singing a song as he skipped happily into Himiko and Tenko's room. "I want something else to get me through this semi-charmed kinda life. Baby, baby. I want something else. I'm not listening when you say...HimiKOOOOOOOO!!!" He suddenly stopped singing and looked around, but Himiko was nowhere to be found. "Eh? Himiko?" He scratched his head in confusion. "That's weird. She's always here in the mornings." That's when he noticed a sticky note on a book that was sitting on Himiko's bedside table. Kokichi picked up the note and read it:

    *Kokichi, I went out shopping with Tenko, Angie, and Tsumugi. I went there against my will 'cuz I wanted to stay in bed, but they insisted I should have a girls' day out with them, so...yeah. I'll be gone for a while...unfortunately. Tell my bed that I miss it. -Love, Monkey Buns, your Supreme Lady of evil...and sleepy time. Nyeh.*

   "Oh, that HimiCocoa Bean," Kokichi said, shaking his head and chuckling. "She's such a silly sleepyhead." He then looked at the book that the sticky note had been stuck to. "Hm?" The title of the book read "Manga Is Magic," and on the cover was a shocked, but delighted, schoolgirl who was reading a manga with pages that seemed to glow magically. Kokichi flipped through the pages, expecting to see illustrations that a manga would have, but instead, he only saw words. 

   " this is some kind of teen romance novel," Kokichi muttered to himself. "I didn't know Himiko read junk like this." He looked at the back of the book, which contained a summary:

  *Miyuki is a shy girl at school who always has her face buried in manga. Her life at school is a nightmare; she has to deal with bullies, tyrannical teachers, and cafeteria food that tastes like it shouldn't be made for human consumption. One day, when she reached her breaking point, the charming boy that she has a crush on decides to help her out. Miyuki always though he looked familiar, even though she's 100% sure she's never seen him before. After one kiss, it is revealed that the boy is actually the prince from Miyuki's favorite manga. The prince turns Miyuki's life into her favorite manga, and it seems like Miyuki will have her happily ever after after all...or will she?*

   "Pfffttt...whaaaat? That's so lame!" Kokichi scoffed, placing the romance novel back onto Himiko's bedside table. He walked out of Himiko and Tenko's room, laughing his head off. A few seconds later, however, he peeked his head back into the bedroom, eyeing the book with curiosity. His eyes darted back and forth as a devious smile formed on his lips. "I'M GONNA READ IT, ANYWAAYYYY!!" he sang as he rushed back into the room, grabbed the book, and plopped himself onto Himiko's bed.


   Two hours later, Kokichi heard the girls come back from their girls' day out. He started to panic when he heard them coming up the stairs. He didn't want to put Himiko's book back on her nightstand because he wanted to read the rest of it, so he forcefully stuffed it into his scarf, then pretended to be asleep on Himiko's bed. 

   "HEY, YOU DEGENERATE!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON HIMIKO'S BED?!?!" Tenko roared, running into the room, and grabbing Kokichi's arm.

   "I was just sleeping!" Kokichi lied in annoyance, yanking his arm from Tenko's grasp. 

   "Sure you were!" Tenko growled. "I bet you were...*playing with yourself* on her bed! Is that why you wear all white? To hide the *stains?*" Kokichi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

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