Kokichi and Himiko Go Dream Hopping (5: Miu)

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        They sneaked quietly into Miu and Kaede's bedroom with Kokichi silently picking the lock. Kaede was on the right side of the room, which was neat and had piano designs all over her walls. The walls were lit up a light pink from the Christmas lights that hung from the ceiling. But it was Miu's side that made Kokichi and Himiko drop their mouths open in shock. It was messy with papers sprawled all over the floor that were either scribbled out or crumpled up. Her desk was full of rulers, protractors, and tools. Her computer had empty soda cans and wrappers draped all around it. 

   "Wow, Miu should invent something that would help clean her side of the room," Himiko whispered.

   "She doesn't have to," Kokichi pointed out. "We have a maid, y'know."

   "I wouldn't blame Kirumi for not wanting to clean this up," Himiko said. "Who knows what Miu REALLY does with all this stuff?"

   "Nee-heehee...I bet Kee-boy would know!" Kokichi joked. Himiko went to Kaede's side of the room to blow the sleeping powder in her face. Then, she did the same for Miu. "Ooo! Ooo! I wanna do the thingy with you!" Kokichi said. "It won't have some adverse affect or anything if I say it with you, right?"

   "No, because only I have magic," Himiko said. 

   "Okay, okay! Then, I'm gonna say it with you!" Kokichi said. Himiko smiled as they both stretched their hands out in front of them. Himiko's eyes glowed white, and the white orbs formed around her hands. 

   "In the light of day, you are not as you seem, reveal to me the truth in your dream...Miu Iruma!" they both said in unison. A hot pink light glowed around Miu, then flowed from her body and became an orb in front of Kokichi and Himiko. The orb expanded and became a glowing, hot pink portal. Kokichi laughed with glee as they stepped right through it and entered Miu's dream. They stepped into what looked like a quiet, empty locker room with a dim light hanging above them.

   "Again with the creepiness?" Kokichi asked with a sigh. "We already had that with Tsumugi!" 

   "Let's just find a way out," Himiko said, finding her way through the maze of lockers. "I don't wanna stay in this dream longer than we have to. Knowing Miu, her secret will probably be gross. If we're lucky, we'll probably find out that she's a virgin, after all, though that wouldn't be TOO surprising," she grumbled.

   "Dang, girl! You're really hating on Miu, right now!" Kokichi exclaimed. "But I hope her secret isn't as boring as that!"

   "It's not my fault for speaking so mean about her," Himiko said. "She always insults me for no reason, and I'm just sick of it! I swear, if she insults me in her dream, I'll-" Himiko interrupted herself by finding the exit door to the locker room. They peeked outside and noticed a bunch of younger kids running around on a large lawn. In the middle of the lawn was a pond. The kids looked like they were playing soccer.

   "This is an elementary school!" Kokichi said, observing the kids. "I wonder why Miu's dreaming about an elementary school." They searched the crowded lawn for Miu until their gaze fixed on a little girl across the other side sitting by herself underneath a tree and hugging her knees tightly. She looked to be about 10 years old. "I think that's Miu right there!" Kokichi said, pointing at the girl. The little girl had strawberry blonde hair, and wore large goggles on her head. She looked as if she were crying because she wiped her eyes with her arm as she fiddled with something in her hand.

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