Maki's Secret Crush? (1)

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     "Ugh...that was the worst magic show I've ever done!" Himiko sighed as she leaned against her bedroom door and sank to the floor with exhaustion and frustration. She had just got finished from doing a magic show at a birthday party of the brattiest kid she had ever met. Tenko sprung up from her bed to help Himiko.

   "Here, Himiko, I'll put your trunk away for you," she offered.

   "Nyeh...thanks, Tenko," Himiko replied. Tenko lifted up Himiko's magic trunk and stowed it in Himiko's closet. She then came back and helped Himiko up.

   "What happened?" Tenko asked. Himiko put a firm hand on Tenko's shoulder.

   "If you E-VER hear the name 'Reiko Takahashi,' run away," she replied. "She is THE worst 9-year-old you will ever come across!"

   "What?! A little girl?!" Tenko exclaimed. "I understand how a little boy could be bad, but a little GIRL?!"

   "Trust me, Tenko, she was BAD," Himiko insisted. "Apparently, she didn't want a magic show at her birthday party. She wanted a bouncy house, but her mom had insisted that a magic show would be better. When I showed up, Reiko threw a tantrum and started kicking me. Then, she threw cake at me and ALMOST LIT ME ON FIRE WITH ONE OF THE CANDLES!! Then she took my wand and started beating her OWN MOTHER with it while cursing at her. It took the rest of the parents and me to get her off. Mrs. Takahashi said it was okay for me to leave early, but before I even could, Reiko jumped on my back and started pulling my hair and trying to punch my face." Himiko sighed and plopped herself onto her bed. "I just want to forget today and sleep for the rest of the afternoon, already." Tenko sat down next to Himiko and began stroking her hair as if she were a mother comforting her child.

   "Awww, I'm sorry you had to go through that, Himiko," she said. "But unfortunately for you, you can't go to sleep."

   "Nyeh? Why?!" Himiko asked. Tenko reached for a folded piece of paper on Himiko's bedside table and handed it to Himiko.

   "Your degenerate boyfriend asked me to give you this when you got home," she said. Himiko opened up the note and read it:

   "Hey, Himiko! Follow the rose petals for a special surprise!- Your loving, kind-hearted, generous, but also very eeeevil supreme leader, Kokichi Ouma! "

   Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh, he's such a dork, sometimes," she said. 

   "Yeah, a degenerate dork," Tenko scoffed. Himiko pointed a warning finger at Tenko.

   " it, Tenko. I know where you sleep," she joked. They both giggled. "Also, what does he mean by 'rose petals?' I didn't see any rose petals."

   "Probably because you were so busy thinking about that surprisingly awful little girl," Tenko suggested. "But they're there, alright. Pretty much everyone saw him planting them all over the house. So, you'd better follow them before the others accidentally mess them up, or something."

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