That Time When Himiko Thanked Kokichi With Some Grape Panta

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     " guys should have seen it," Himiko gushed to Tenko and Angie in Tenko and Himiko's room. "He told Hiyoko off, and after that..." she paused here to blush and squeal. "...he winked at me!" She swooned as she fell on her bed and put her hands over her heart. Tenko and Angie smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Himiko had been telling them about what had happened earlier that day in art class when Hiyoko was being a monstrous brat to Himiko and Kokichi stepped in to Himiko's rescue. 


   "Ohhh, Himiko," Angie said, ruffling Himiko's hair. "You are so adorable when you are in love!"

  "She's always adorable, no matter what," Tenko squeezed Himiko's shoulders. 

   "Nyeh...I like being in love," Himiko said dreamily. "Sometimes, it's a pain, but other times...Kokichi just makes me feel  like I'm above the clouds, soaring up higher to the cosmos." She sighed blissfully. "See? He even makes me say corny things like that."

  "I like when you say corny things," Tenko said. "At least it means you're more comfortable with showing your emotions. It's just too bad that it took a degenerate male to bring them out."

  "You should find a way to thank him, Himiko," Angie suggested.

  "I'm not gonna do that!" Himiko shot up suddenly with a frantic tone in her voice. "What if he figures out that I like him?"

  "Hmmm, what if he already knows?" Angie pointed out. "I mean, he did step in to help you. What if HE likes YOU, too, Himiko? Ever think about?"

  "Nyeh...not only did I think about that, I also hoped it," Himiko brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them. "But I don't think he'd like me back. Compared to him, I'm really dumb and too quiet and boring and ugly. But I hope he doesn't know. I'm just...scared to find out what would happen if he knew. He might not ever want anything to do with me ever again." The truth is, Himiko had a feeling he already knew, but she'd rather keep quiet about it than tell him, just in case.

   "Oh, don't talk like that, Himiko," Tenko said. "You're like, the most perfect, precious thing in the world! Any degenerate would kill to have you for a girlfriend!"

  "Thanks, Tenko, but I highly doubt that," Himiko muttered. 

  "Well, whether he knows, or not, I think you should still thank him, Himiko," Angie insisted. "Pitying yourself won't get you anywhere. And besides, if you give him something he likes, maybe he'll want to be with you someday."

  "Well, okay. If you guys say so," Himiko sighed. The worst part about having a crush is that they are oftentimes unrequited. Himiko didn't exactly have the highest self-esteem, but she did agree with Angie that a pity party wasn't going to help her out. "Let me sigh one more time, just to get it out of my system, and I'll be ready to go." Tenko and Angie waited patiently as Himiko let out a long, pitiful sigh. "Okay, pity party is over. I'm ready to go."

   "Okay, but first, we have to figure out what he likes," Angie said. 

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