That Time When Kokichi Was Himiko's Magic Assistant

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     "Well, good luck, Himiko!" Tenko said as she waved goodbye to the mage. 

    "Yes, yes, I wish you good luck, too, Himiko," Angie chirped. "Atua knows you will do well!"

    "Nyeh...thanks, guys," Himiko replied, waving back at them with a slightly shaky hand as she left her bedroom. It had been a while since Himiko did a magic show for some kid's birthday party, and the feeling of doing it again after so long filled her with anxiety. It wasn't that she didn't believe in her magic skills, she was more afraid that her magic show wouldn't fill a kid with happiness and joy. Himiko had encountered kids in the past where they didn't enjoy her magic for whatever reason, and because of that, she'd sometimes get attitude from parents demanding that they wanted their money back. Himiko hoped it wasn't like that today. She was about to turn the doorknob to the front door, when she heard an excited voice behind her.

   "Oooh, Himiko! Are you gonna do another magic show?" The voice belonged to Kokichi. Himiko's heart skipped a beat as she turned around and saw Kokichi with a wide grin on his face.

   "Yeah, it's for a kid's birthday party. Why?" she asked. Usually, she'd feel all kinds of excitement and nervousness when talking to Kokichi, but at the moment, she felt more anxious about the party. Kokichi's eyes lit up.

   "Can I go?" he asked, jumping up and down. "I wanna be your assistant! I wanna get my body rearranged in the box thingy! I want my body sawed in half! Can I go? Puh-leeeaaaasssse?"

   "Nyeh...okay," Himiko replied. "But only if you do what I say."

  "YES!!" Kokichi said, pumping his fist in the air. "Hold on, hold on! I'm gonna go put my magic suit on!"

  "Okay, hurry up," Himiko warned. "We have to be there in less than 30 minutes." Kokichi nodded excitedly and ran to his room. A few minutes later, he came back.

   "Okie-dokie, Himikokie, I'm ready to go!" Kokichi smiled. 

  "That's what you're going in?" Himiko asked, pointing at his clothes. He was wearing a collared purple short-sleeved shirt with a black vest over it. He wore a bowtie with a checkered pattern like his scarf. He wore black skinny jeans with black high tops. On his head, he wore a black top hat with a deep purple band around it. Despite looking mostly casual, Himiko thought he looked rather spiffy and handsome. It made her blush slightly seeing how cute he looked. It was just weird that he picked that outfit to be his "magic suit."

  "Yup!" Kokichi replied. "I don't wanna...ya know...steal your shine an' all." Himiko nodded. 

  "Nyeh...well, there's one problem," Himiko said, pointing to her trunk of magical stuff. "Before you decided to tag along, it was just me and I was going to ride my bike. But since we're both going, I guess we'll just have to walk. Um...I'll have to carry all my stuff-"

  "Oh, you don't have to lug all that to the party," Kokichi interrupted. "We can just take Kaito's car."

  "Okay, I'll go ask him," Himiko began to walk away, but Kokichi grabbed her wrist. 

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