Himiko's New Friend (1)

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     Himiko, Tenko, and Angie were walking to school one drizzly morning. Himiko was feeling rather dreary, so Tenko and Angie were there to keep her company under Angie's large umbrella.

    "Do not worry so much, Himiko!" Angie reassured her. "Atua says that Kokichi will be back safe and sound, soon enough!"

   "Nyeh...I hope so," Himiko sighed sadly. "I feel so lonely without him. Not that it's lonely with you two with me, but I just really wish Kokichi were here, too."

   "We understand what you mean, Himiko," Angie replied kindly, patting Himiko's shoulder comfortingly.

   "Why is he gone again?" Tenko asked, scratching her head.

   "He said he had to fly to New York City for a week for some 'supreme leader business,'" Himiko explained. "He didn't say much of anything else. He's been gone for only two days, but...nyeh...it feels like an eternity."

    "Why in the world would he need to go all the way over there for?" Tenko asked, mostly to herself. 

    "I dunno," Himiko replied. "I try not to pry too much in his business out of respect, and even if I did try, he'd still keep it a secret. You know how he is."

   "Only degenerate males would have something to hide," Tenko scoffed. Himiko made an angry, pouty grunt at Tenko. "Sorry, Himiko," Tenko said. "But, really, it's weird how he's always trying to hide things from us, er...well, from YOU, Himiko. Don't you think it's weird that he doesn't trust you?"

    "I think if he felt it was really important, he'd tell her!" Angie chimed in. "Like Himiko said, she just wants to respect his privacy!"

   "How do you know he's not lying, though?" Tenko pressed. "What if he's not really in New York City?" Himiko fidgeted uncomfortably. She didn't want to think that Kokichi was lying to her. She wanted to trust him, but she had to admit that Tenko had a point.

    "TENKO!" Angie warned, noticing Himiko's uncertainty. She gave Tenko a warning smile. "Perhaps we should just drop the issue, don't you think?" 

   "Okay! Okay!" Tenko held up her hands defensively. "No need to get so intense, Angie!" They finally arrived at Hope's Peak and headed to their lockers. "See you guys in the cafeteria!" Tenko called to Himiko and Angie as she ran off to the cafeteria. When Himiko and Angie were done retrieving whatever they needed from their lockers, they headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Tenko who was already eating breakfast. 

    "I'm going to get some breakfast," Angie said, setting down her backpack and supplies. "Want to come with me, Himiko?" 

   "Nyeh...no," Himiko replied, hanging her bunny backpack on the back of her chair. "I'm not hungry right now."

   "Okie-dokie!" Angie chirped, then went to the breakfast line. 

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