Himiko Befriends Miu (1)

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   Himiko was in Kokichi's room, pacing back and forth anxiously. Kokichi, sitting on his bed, was watching her with his head placed in his hand. 

   "You know you're not going to help Miu by staying in here, pacing back and forth, right?" Kokichi asked. "You've been doing that for half an hour, now. 

   "Nyeh...I know, I know! I'm just so nervous!" Himiko replied. "I don't even know where to start! I DO know that I want to bring up Etsuko to her. You know, the bully in her dream?"

   "I remember," Kokichi replied. "But why do you want to bring her up?"

   "As a test. What if that was just some random dream of hers, and Etsuko didn't really exist?" Himiko explained. "If I bring up Etsuko and it brings a reaction out of her, then I'll know I'm on the right track."

    "That's a good point," Kokichi said. "We don't know if any of their dreams were really the same as their real life experiences...at least, I hope not." He shuddered, remembering Maki's dream. Suddenly, his face lit up. "Ooo! Ooo! How about we do a test run on Tsumugi, instead?!" he suggested. "I wanna know what's underneath that supposed wig of hers!" Himiko gave him a stern look.

   "No," she said firmly. "Miu, Kirumi, and Maki are more important right now!" Kokichi groaned.

   "Uuuggghhhh, but what if Tsumugi's part of a cult where they shave their heads completely bald?" he said. "Or what if she's smuggling jewels under there? HIMIKO...WHAT IF SHE'S HIDING VOLDEMORT ON THE BACK OF HER HEAD?!?!"

   "We'll never know, because Tsumugi's not our top priority right now!" Himiko insisted. 

   "Well, then I'll go find out for myself," Kokichi said, getting up from his bed and walking towards the bedroom door. Himiko ran in front of him, blocking the door. She stood on her tippy-toes to get on his level, which wasn't too far above hers. 

   "I said no!" Himiko said, staring Kokichi in his eye. He looked her dead in her eyes, as well, crossing his arms defiantly. "As the Supreme Lady, I order you NOT to go! You will stay in here while I deal with Miu! Do you understand me, Kokichi Ouma?!" She kept staring him down, making sure not to blink as he narrowed his eyes at her. She expected him to smirk, or make a smart-alecky remark, but instead, he smiled a genuine smile and clapped. 

   "Bravo, Himiko!" he said, laughing cheerfully. Himiko felt surprised by his reaction, but she maintained her stern composure. "That was impressive! Using your Supreme Lady authority to boss even ME around! I don't like being told what to do, but since you have spoken, I guess I have to obey. Okie-dokie, then, I'll stay in here and wait!"

   "Y-You will?" Himiko asked in bewilderment. Then, she regained her authoritative countenance. "I mean...yes! You will!"

    "Yup! I promise," Kokichi replied happily with his hands behind his head. 

   "Good!" Himiko replied. "Now, I'm leaving." She turned on her heel, hopeful that she felt as confident as she spoke, and walked out the door. As she closed it behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt a bit shaky. Her heart was beating rapidly; she had never stood up to Kokichi like that, and she was scared that he'd get upset with her. She took a moment to pull herself together and walked up to her room, searching for a stuffed bear that Kokichi had given her a few weeks ago. 

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