Chick Flick

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        "Class, today, I have an important announcement!" the Home-Ec teacher announced. Himiko sat anxiously in class as the teacher spoke. Every time the teacher had an "important announcement," it was usually some big project that Himiko was likely to barely pass, or get a mediocre grade, similar to a C. Big projects made Himiko nervous and want to sleep forever. She was surprised, however, when the teacher brought out a tray of eggs and placed them onto her desk.

  "For this project, each of you will have to parent a little egg as if it were your own," the teacher explained. "So, come on up and grab yourselves an egg!" The students all hopped up from their seats to grab themselves an egg. Himiko felt herself surprisingly excited for this project. It seemed easy enough, right? What could go wrong?

  "Remember...this project is worth a gigantic chunk of your grade, so if you fail this, you'll fail at life and become a worthless hobo living out on the streets," the teacher reminded the students. Himiko gulped in fear. She definitely hoped nothing would go wrong, now!


  "What'cha got there, Monkey Buns?" Kokichi asked Himiko on the walk home from school.

  "It's an egg that we have to take care of for Home-Ec," Himiko explained, showing him the egg. 

   "Nee-heehee, seriously? An egg?!" Kokichi chuckled. "Not much of a challenge, if you ask me. They should get some of Kee-boy's relatives and have you guys take care of those, instead."

   "Keebo's relatives?" Himiko asked.

   "Yeah, y'know...those robot doll things," Kokichi replied, snickering. Himiko rolled her eyes and playfully shoved Kokichi. Soon, they arrived at Casa V3 where Himiko was about to go straight up to her room, only to be stopped by Kokichi.

   "Hey, Stinky Butt, wanna go out to eat?" he asked her. She turned to him from the bottom step of the stairs. 

   "Nyeh...I can't," she replied. "I have to...well..." she pointed at her egg. Kokichi tilted his head and gave her an endearing smile that indicated she was being both adorable and silly. 

  "All you gotta do is put it in the fridge," Kokichi said. "It'll be fine."

  "I dunno, Kokichi," Himiko replied hesitantly. "I kinda just wanna...take care of it. I feel...special about it. I don't know why." Kokichi smiled and rolled his eyes.

   "Okaaaay, Cocoa Bean," Kokichi sighed. "Well, I'm gonna go out and get something to eat. Want anything?" Himiko shook her head. "Okie-dokie, then! See ya later, babe!"

   "Later, Chubby," Himiko replied, waving goodbye shyly. He winked at her as he blew her a kiss and headed towards his room to unpack before he got ready to go out. 


   Later that night, before Himiko got into bed, she considered where she was going to put her egg. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 1 (A New Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now