The Mean Teacher (3)

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      "There it is," Kokichi whispered, as he and his associates hid behind a large bush that was across the street from Miss O's house. "Okay, Seven, you remember the plan, right?" Seven was the only one not in her D.I.C.E. uniform. It had been replaced with a torn up nightgown and red paint made to look like blood.  Her part of the plan was to hide somewhere outside of Miss O's house while the others distracted Miss O with the eggs. Then, Seven would slip inside and hide in Miss O's bedroom. When Miss O would return to her bedroom, Seven would keep her busy scaring her inside the house, while the others would slash the tires on Miss O's car. Kokichi figured Miss O would try to leave her house by driving away, but since the tires wouldn't work, she'd be forced to sleep inside her car, giving Seven the chance to slip away to rejoin the others. Miss O, having a crappy night, wouldn't have the energy, (or the ability, due to the slashed tires), to make it to school the next day.

   "Of course I remember," Seven replied with a wicked smile, and holding a bagful of pasta. "Any plan that involves an early Halloween is unforgettable to me." She silently slinked across the street and hid behind a bush, signaling to the others to commence with their part of the plan. 

   "Okay, people, masks on," Kokichi commanded quietly. They all put their masks on before Two brought out the Crap Shooter that Eight had invented. They walked across the street, and stood in front of Miss O's house. 

   "Here, start putting the eggs in," Two said, opening the lid to the Crap Shooter. Five, Nine, and Ten took eggs from the cartons they were holding and placed them inside.

   "I just wanna throw them, myself. Is that okay, boss?" Four asked.

   "Yup, that's fine!" Kokichi replied.

   "Well, in that case, I wanna throw 'em, too," Six said. "Maybe if my aim is good, I'll hit the hag!"

   "Okie-dokie, then," Kokichi said. "M'kay,!!!" Two turned the Crap Shooter on, and the eggs shot out at a great speed. They shot out so fast and forceful that they exploded on impact causing the yolk to cover more parts of the house. Some eggs even shattered one of the windows upstairs.

   "Oh, snap! Was that supposed to happen?" Four asked incredulously as he looked at the completely-shattered window.

   " doesn't matter," Kokichi replied. "It's not our problem." 

   "Welp, if that's the case, then I'm goin' all out!" Four said. He practiced his aim by throwing the eggs inside the house. "I hope she likes her house SCRAMBLED! Hahahaha! Get it?" Suddenly, the front door to the house opened up, revealing a very angry Miss O.

   "WHAT ARE YOU MAGGOTS DOING ON MY LAWN?!?!" she screamed.

   "Throwin' eggs, lady! What does it look like?" Six asked, throwing an egg at her, and hitting her right in the face. "BULLS-EYE!!!" Six shouted, pumping his fist. Kokichi laughed and gave him a high-five. 

    "Haha, that was awesome, Six!" he cheered. 

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