Things Get Magically DICE-y For Kokichi and Himiko (7)

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      Days had passed since Himiko's little visit to the creepy hospital where Kokichi's organization hung out. Unfortunately, however, Himiko's mood had not changed. Each day that had passed seemed more like a weight on her shoulders. In the first few mornings after Himiko's visit, it took her a long time to get out of bed. Her friends tried to cheer her up, but to no avail. Even Kokichi tried to make her smile, but he only made things worse. For school days, she surprisingly would wake up early and take off for school on her own so as not to speak to anyone. 

   "I'm so worried about Himiko," Tenko said quietly one day at school during lunch. Tenko and Angie sat alone at a table without Himiko, who was apparently doing her homework in the library instead of eating. "She's just not eating and she looks sadder each day! Ohhhhh..." she groaned and worriedly placed her head into the palm of her hands. "What are we going to do?"

   "Do not worry, Tenko," Angie offered a sympathetic hand to Tenko's shoulder. "I'm sure Himiko will pull through! Atua said so!" Tenko shot Angie an annoyed look.

   "Look, Angie, I get that you believe in...Atua, and all, but I think we should actually DO something instead of waiting for Atua to handle it, okay?" Tenko replied testily. 

   "Do not doubt what Atua can do, Tenko," Angie smiled, giving Tenko a friendly warning. "But, if you believe that we should do something, what do you think we should do?" Tenko sighed in frustration.

   "I don't know...." Tenko replied wearily. "I just...don't know." She looked up and saw Kokichi walking by with a tray in his hands. Tenko glared fiercely at him. "Maybe she wouldn't be feeling like this if a certain degenerate male wasn't being such a jerk to her!" Kokichi stopped in his tracks and looked back at Tenko. She expected him to smirk and reply with a snide remark, but the look in his eyes matched Tenko's weary look from before.

   "I know," was all he said before walking away silently. Tenko looked at him in surprise, but her shock turned to anger as she stood up and marched after him.

   "So, what are you going to do about it, Kokichi?" she demanded. He stopped walking again. 

   "I...don't know," he responded quietly. Tenko looked at him, flabbergasted. 

   "It's not like you're even trying!" Tenko cried. "It's all your fault how she's feeling, you know!" Kokichi's knuckles gripped the tray tighter, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he merely walked away to a table where nobody sat. "Stupid jerk!" Tenko shouted at him, causing some of the other students to look at her with confusion and curiosity. 


   A couple more days had passed at Casa V3 and Himiko's condition was even worse. She never left her bed for anything unless she really had to use the bathroom, and even then, she wouldn't get up right away. She wouldn't get up to eat, talk, or anything. The others were in the dining room silently picking at their food, worried about Himiko. 

"Man, it really is quiet without her," Tsumugi said in a sad voice. The others nodded glumly in agreement.

"I'm gonna go check up on her," Tenko said, standing up from the table and leaving the dining room. As Tenko left, Kokichi heard his phone vibrate and took it out to see who had texted him. It was 10 telling him to meet him at headquarters and to bring Himiko. Apparently he had an idea to try to help her with her depression. Lately, Kokichi had been texting his organization about Himiko's condition, and they sent messages of support and possible ways to help her out. Just as Kokichi was about to reply to 10, Tenko rushed into the dining room with a frantic look on her face. 

   "HIMIKO'S GONE!!!" Tenko cried, tears flowing out of her eyes. Everyone stopped eating immediately and stood up with urgency.

   "Everyone, spread out and look for her!" Kaito commanded. Everyone left their dishes at the table to go out and search for Himiko. They split into groups and went to places where Himiko could possibly be. The only one who searched alone was Kokichi, since the others were barely talking to him anyways. He thought that was fine since he could look for her wherever he wanted without anyone telling him what to do or having to answer to anyone.


   Himiko was walking through the park in the glow of the late afternoon sun. The sky was blue with no clouds to cover them. The trees had leaves of bright green and pink that rained down on Himiko in the gentle breeze. The air was clean and crisp as Himiko walked onto the bridge that spanned the park's river. Himiko went over to the railing and stared down into the flowing blue ribbon that sparkled in the golden sunshine. The waves of the river rocked gently back and forth as if they were hands inviting Himiko to join them. Mesmerized by the river's glow and alluring nature, Himiko leaned further over the railing. The river seemed to lure her in some more as if it were a long lost friend wanting to embrace her in its warmth. Himiko hadn't felt this way in some time. She wanted the river to hold her forever. It would take her wherever it went without judging her, without abandoning her, without hating her. She was about to swing one of her legs over the railing when she felt a warm, gentle hand grab her. She slowly looked at the hand that held hers and followed her eyes down the white sleeve, towards the checkered scarf, and then up, until they met the deep purple eyes full of sadness and penitence. 

   "Come with me, Himiko," Kokichi whispered quietly, gently pulling her away from the railing. "Please?" They stared at each other for quite some time, Kokichi's eyes pleading her, until Himiko finally let Kokichi lead her away from the river on which the sunlight's glow began to fade. 

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