Kazuichi Gets Scooped (5)

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     Kazuichi entered through the front door of  7th Island House. Because that was his dorm, he didn't have to sneak inside it. The room that he *did* have to sneak into, however, was Fuyuhiko's. Fuyuhiko was roommates with Gundham, which made things more difficult, since Gundham didn't like to leave his room much. Kazuichi was able to come up with an excuse to get Gundham to leave his room. He just hoped it would actually work. He knocked on the door to Fuyuhiko and Gundham's room, which immediately flung open.

   "Kazuichi Soda...what do you want?" Gundham asked in an annoyed tone. 

    "Um, well...one of your chickens out back is acting all weird," Kazuichi said. 

   "Impossible! If anything was wrong, their cacophonous squawking would alert me to rush to their aid," Gundham replied, crossing his arms skeptically at Kazuichi.

   "Are you sure? One of them looks like it's not even moving," Kazuichi insisted. 

   "Take me to them," Gundham said, looking Kazuichi straight in the eye. Fearing his plan wouldn't work, Kazuichi began to panic.

   "Augh...d-d-d...I'M NOT GOING OUT THERE!!" he managed to say. "I might get bird flu, or something!! I ain't going anywhere near a possibly dead chicken! It might come back to life as a zombie!"

   "Such a fool," Gundham sighed, shaking his head. He walked swiftly past Kazuichi, and headed out the back door of 7th Island House. Kazuichi then sprang into action. He began sifting through Fuyuhiko's drawers, flinging his underwear and other clothes everywhere. When he was unsuccessful, he started going through Fuyuhiko's closet, even searching the walls for a possible hidden door, but to no avail. He searched behind Fuyuhiko's pillows and blankets, but he didn't find anything until he crouched down to look under his bed. Kazuichi found a large tin can and reached for it. He opened it to find, not only fried dough cookies, but other sweets, as well, all freshly wrapped.  

   "There you are!" Kazuichi whispered with excitement. The smell of the sweets wafted through the air, and right into Kazuichi's nostrils, making his mouth water. "Hm...I guess it wouldn't hurt to have one," he said to himself. As he reached into the tin can, however, Kazuichi heard something that made him wish he were never born.

   "Hey, you bastard! What the fudge are you doing with that?!" Fuyuhiko asked, storming into the room. Kazuichi quickly closed the lid, and stood up straight. He hid the tin can behind his back.

   "N-Nothing!" he replied. "I was, um...looking for something."

   "You are lying..." Fuyuhiko growled. "You are FUDGING LYING!!!" Kazuichi was shaking in his shoes. Fuyuhiko promised Peko that he'd stop being so angry all the time, which made him also decide to not swear as much. But Kazuichi didn't know how long that would last, as Fuyuhiko looked like he wanted nothing more than to strangle him. "Give me back that tin can before I kill your ass!"

   "Um...*gulp,* Fuyuhiko...you just swore," Kazuichi reminded Fuyuhiko timidly.

   "Oh-hoh...I'm gonna do more than that!" Fuyuhiko roared. "I'm gonna make you wish that all I ever did was swear, you motherFUDGEBUCKET!! RRRAAAAAHHH!!!" He lunged at Kazuichi. 

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