Magic School (4)

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    Though she didn't have time to do research on the school, Himiko ended up registering for classes at Miss Pokie's Magic Academy For Gifted Girls. School started a month after the registration deadline, and she had to tell the others that she was leaving Hope's Peak to attend Miss Pokie's academy. She decided to tell everyone during dinner one evening. 

   "H-Himiko leaving Hope's Peak?" Gonta asked in a tearful voice.

   "Nyeh...yeah, sorry, Gonta," Himiko nodded sadly. "I'll be leaving in a month." Everyone became silent as a tomb.

   "How...long are you going to be there?" Tenko asked, not even trying to hid her tears. 

   "Well...for the rest of high school, I suppose," Himiko replied with uncertainty. At that, Tenko began to wail.

   "HIMIKO, NOOOOO!!!" she sobbed, grabbing on to Himiko's arm. "You're my best friend! I don't want you to goooo!!!"  

    "If this is an important opportunity for her, we should let her do it," Tsumugi offered. 

    "But it is rather foolish to leave so suddenly like this when you are already attending Hope's Peak, is it not?" Kiyo asked. "How do you plan on being there on time when you have so many loose ends to tie up here?"

    "Yeah, kid, I know you wanna fulfill your dreams, but you shouldn't be too quick to make a decision when it comes to something like this," Ryoma pointed out.

   "Who cares?" Kokichi suddenly said out of nowhere. "If she wants to go to that school, nothing is going to stop her, not even us. I believe that she can get there." He smiled at Himiko who returned a grateful smile. Everyone gave Kokichi a strange look; it was very out of character for him to be so believing, even if it was about Himiko. 

    "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Kokichi!" Kaito said, standing up. "We shouldn't stop Himiko from doing what she feels is best for her. I'm with you all the way, Himiko!" Kaito flashed her a thumbs-up. Kokichi wanted to roll his eyes and throw up at Kaito agreeing with him, and for saying cheesy words, but he kept smiling for Himiko's sake. 

   "That's right!" Kaede said, smiling at Himiko. "I also agree with letting Himiko do this! If it's important to you, Himiko, it's important to me, too!"

   "I agree!" Tsumugi said. 

   "Well, I won't be able to call ya 'Donkey Lips' no more, but if the others are on board with it, then I guess I'll go with it, too," Miu said. "Plus, with you gone, there won't be any flat-chesters anymore!" Himiko glared at Miu. 

   "Though I don't think that it is wise for Himiko to leave, I will support her anyways," Kiibo said. "It is what a friend would do, after all!"

     "Besides, a little adventure would do you good, trust me," Rantaro said. "A person can find themselves by going on a few adventures, so this could be a great step for you, Himiko."

   "I did not see it that way," Kiyo admitted. "Now that you say that, Rantaro, I do agree that this could benefit Himiko greatly." He then turned to Himiko. "I still don't think you should make such hasty decisions, but I must admit, going out into the world and learning about other people on your own can be quite a fun and educational experience. I think you could learn a lot from this adventure, Himiko."

    "Well, if everyone else is on board, so am I," Ryoma said. "It would be uncool of me to be a downer when you feel so strongly about achieving your goals, Himiko."

   "All in favor of Himiko going to the Magic Academy, say 'I,'" Kaede announced. The decision was unanimous. 

   "I'm...I'm gonna miss you, Himiko," Tenko said, sobbing. "I don't want you to go, but I do want you to achieve your dreams!" 

   "Thanks, Tenko," Himiko replied tearily, and the two girls hugged. Everyone watched in awe and sadness as the two girls hugged. Once again, that nauseating feeling came back in the pit of Kokichi's stomach. 

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